Kognitivna lingvistika i prevođenje

III. semestar
Naziv kolegija:
Kognitivna lingvistika i prevođenje

Nositelj kolegija: dr. sc. Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, izv. prof.
Nastavnik: dr. sc. Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, izv. prof.; dr.sc. Milena Žic Fuchs, red. prof.; dr. sc. Janja Čulig Suknaić, poslijedoktorand
ECTS-bodovi:  5 bodova
Jezik:  engleski i hrvatski
Trajanje:  1 semestar (zimski)
Status: obavezni
Oblik nastave:  1 sat predavanja i 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti: upis u 3. semestar diplomskog studija, položen kolegij Teorija prevođenja
Ispit: pismeni
Sadržaj:  Kolegij obrađuje izabrane teme iz područja teorije prevođenja iz perspektive kognitivne lingvistike. U seminaru se objašnjavaju teorijske sličnosti i razlike kognitivnog i komunikacijskog pristupa prevođenju. Obrađuju se pojmovi iz kognitivne lingvistike koji imaju presudan značaj kod postizanja ekvivalencije u prevođenju (odnos lika i pozadine, konceptualna metafora, kategorizacija i dr.) te se pokazuje način na koji se oni ostvaruju u prijevodima, prvenstveno s hrvatskoga na engleski i engleskoga na hrvatski. Posebna se pažnja posvećuje prevođenju gramatike i prevođenju kulture.
Cilj je ovog seminara upoznati studenta s pristupom teoriji i praksi prevođenja koji proizlazi iz kognitivne lingvističke teorije. Stečeno znanje studentima koristi kao pomoć pri prepoznavanju potencijalnih problema pri prevođenju, naročito s i na engleski jezik.


Obavezna literatura:
Tabakowska, E. (1993). Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics of Translation. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag
Dodatna literatura:
Croft, W. i Cruse, D. A. (2004).Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge University Press.
Ivir, Vladimir (1981). Formal correspondence vs. translation equivalence revisited. Poetics Today. 2: 51-59.
Ivir, Vladimir (1987). Functionalism in contrastive analysis and translation studies. Functionalism in Linguistics, ed. by Dirven, René, Vilém Fried, 471-481. Amsterdam/Philadeplhia: John Benjamins.
Ivir, Vladimir (1991-1992). On the non-algorithmic nature of translation theory. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrebiensia. 36-37: 85-91.

Week Description
1.        Orientation, syllabus. Overview of topics. Equivalence, its dynamicity. Translation as a non-algorithmic process. The significance of the context.
2.        Key issues 1: organization of knowledge. Concepts, Domains, ICMs, cultural models, scenarios. Identifying differences in translations.
3.        Key issues 1: organization of knowledge. Identifying various types of cultural models. Specific cultural items, and the ways of dealing with them in translation.
4.        Key issues 1: organization of knowledge. Identifying less typical items, scenarios. The role of culture in culture-specific and less culture-specific examples.
5.        Overview of issues covered: culture as an overarching element. Metaphor and metonymy as a system of knowledge (examples).
6.        Key issues 2: Metaphor and metonymy theory. Examples. Basic vs. non-basic metaphors & metonymies.
7.        Key issues 2: Organization of metaphors: hierarchical organization. Translation of metaphors.
8.        Key issues 2: Complex overarching metaphors = metaphorical cultural models. Approaches to metaphors in translation. The significance of metonymy in metaphorical models.
9.        Revision – culture, organization of knowledge and translation. Introduction to grammar, imagery, culture and translation.
10.     Key issues 3: Meaningful grammar – identifying meaning in grammar. Examples of the category of aspect. Scene construal.
11.     Key issues 3: Grammar and meaning: construal operations: overview and examples.
12.     Key issues 3: Construal operations – translation analysis.
13.     Bringing it all together: organization of knowledge and construal operations, and their exponents in translation. Translation analysis – general and specific.
14.     Revision.
15.     Final test.