dr. sc. Renata Geld, izv. prof.


2012.-2013. poslijedoktorsko istraživanje – Cognitive Science Department, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, SAD
2009. Doktorica znanosti (lingvistika), FFZG, Zagreb, Hrvatska
2000. Postgraduate Certificate in TEFL – Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Reading, UK
1996. Magistra edukacije (engleski jezik i književnost), FFZG, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Radno i profesionalno iskustvo 
2023. Director of the Center for Cognitive Science &
Head of the MA in Applied Cognitive Science, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
2019. izvanredna profesorica, Odsjek za anglistiku, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
2014. – danas Predstojnica Katedre za metodiku nastave engleskoga jezika, FFZG, Zagreb
2014. – danas Zamjenica voditeljice Poslijediplomskog doktorskog studija glotodidaktike
2013. – danas Docentica, Katedra za metodiku nastave engleskoga jezika, Odsjek za anglistiku, FFZG
2015.-2016. Gostujući nastavnik – University of Rijeka, Croatia
2012.-2013. Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, Cognitive Science Department, Sveučilište Case Western Reserve, USA
2011.-2012. Gostujući nastavnik – University of Zadar, Croatia
2009.-2013. Viša asistentica, Katedra za metodiku nastave engleskoga jezika, Odsjek za anglistiku, FFZG
2002.-2009. Asistentica, Katedra za metodiku nastave engleskoga jezika, Odsjek za anglistiku, FFZG
2002.-2009. Voditeljica programa, Aliter, The English Language School for Adults
1997.-2002. Nastavnica engleskoga jezika, Aliter, The English Language School for Adults

Područja interesa
kognitivni aspekti ovladavanja drugim jezikom; primijenjena kognitivna lingvistika; kognitivna gramatika; odnos jezika i spoznaje; konceptualizacija, predočavanje i konstruiranje jezičnoga značenja kod slijepih

Nastavna djelatnost:
kolegiji– diplomski studij
Poučavanje engleskoga kao stranoga jezika (2009-danas)
Metodika nastave engleskoga jezika (2012-2015)
Usvajanje drugoga jezika (2012-2015)
Process ovladavanja jezikom (2012-2015)
Glotodidaktika (2012-2015)
Praksa (I, II i III – 2009-danas)
Jezik i kognicija: od teorije do primjene (2010-2011)
Primjena kognitivne lingvistike u učenju i poučavanju drugoga jezika (2010-danas)
Učenici s posebnim potrebama: sljepoća i ovladavanje drugim jezikom (2010-danas)
kolegiji – doktorski studij
Metode istraživanja u glotodidaktici (2014-danas)
Sljepoća i ovladavanje inim jezikom (2014-danas)
Kognitiva gramatika u učenju i poučavanju inoga jezika (2014-danas)
Mentoriranje – diplomska i doktorska razina
Diplomski radovi (mentorirala i sumentorirala preko 90 studenata)
Doktorati (obranjeni)
1) “Schematicity and learnability in the acquisition of Present Perfect in the EFL Learning Setting” (dr.sc. Tea Glavaš, Doktorski studij glotodidaktike)
2) “Cross-language priming: Evidence from Croatian-English bilinguals with different second language proficiency levels” (dr.sc. Irena Bogunović, JEKON)

Doktorati (u procesu izrade)
1) “Measuring foreign language aptitude in young learners” (Jasenka Čengić, Doktorski studij glotodidaktika)
2) “Activation of strategies in learning English nouns in young Croatian learners” (Mihajla Ćavar Portolan, Doktorski studij glotodidaktika)

Nagrade i priznanja
2013    Top 20 Young Scientists – awarded by the Croatian Ministry of Education, Science and Sports

2007  Best student paper of the 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (Krakow, Poljska) (u suatorstvu s Mateuszom Milanom Stanojevićem) 

2006  University of Zagreb Award for Promoting International Cooperation (zajedno s ostalim članicama Katedre za metodiku)

Projekti (Potpore istraživanju) – voditeljica

2020   Creativity and conceptual integration in learning and teaching foreign languages and math – instrument design and piloting – funded by the University of Zagreb funds for science
2018     Criteria for selecting visual elements for verbal elicitation tests
2017   Strategije ovladavanja leksikom u odnosu na razvoj kvalitete fonoloških reprezentacija u prvom i drugom jeziku (hrvatski i arapski – J1, engleski – J2)
2016   Odnos razvoja leksika i kvalitete fonoloških reprezentacija u prvom i drugom
jeziku (hrvatski i arapski – J1, engleski – J2)
2015   Odnos razvoja leksika i kvalitete fonoloških reprezentacija u prvom i drugom jeziku (hrvatski J1, engleski – J2)
2014   Specifičnosti konstruiranja značenja kod slabovidnih i slijepih učenika engleskoga jezika

Projekti – članica
1)  English in Croatia (No 0130514)
2) Acquisition of English from the early age: analysis of learner language (No 130-1301001-0988), national/international level
3)  Early language learning in Europe (ELLiE) (Lifelong Learning Programme)

Pozvana predavanja i plenarna izlaganja (izabrano)

2021     “Bimodal strategic meaning construal: aspects of conceptual integration in offline L2 processing”, Drugi znanstvnei skup Hrvatskog društva sveučilišnih lektora, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

2019     “How faculty internationalize their classrooms” (Culture and Music Festival, Indiana State University, USA)

2018    “What it takes to draw meaning: visual grammar, conceptual integration, and strategic meaning construal in L2 speakers of English” (Cognitive Science Department, Case Western Reserve University, USA, February, 2018)

2017    “Salience and Situatedness in the Language of the Blind: Language as a Window to Imagery and Meaning Construal”, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics

2017    “Strategic thinking, learning, and meaning construal” (25th Annual Croatian Association of Teachers of English Conference, Šibenik, Hrvatska)

2017    “Interplay between social and individual factors in teaching students with disabilities and special needs in higher education” (International conference: From Theory to Practice in Languages for Specific Purposes, Zagreb, Hrvatska)

2016    “Aims and techniques of classroom observation: what we need to know before learning from other teachers“ (College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, studeni, 2016)

2016    “Learning and teaching grammar as a meaningful cognitively-motivated system” (College of Eucation, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, ožujak 2016)

2015    “Multimodality in second-language offline processing”, (Cognitive Science Department, Sveučilište Case Western Reserve, SAD)

2014    “Salience and Situatedness in the Language of the Blind” (Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ), Querétaro, Mexico, travanj 2014)

2014    “Linguistic meaning construal in the language of the blind” (National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico, travanj 2014)

2013    “Assessing writing” (5th Symposium for Teachers of Croatian, Vodice, Hrvatska)

2012    “Textbooks in foreign language teaching” (Textbooks in Croatia – investment for the future of return into the past, simpozij u organizaciji Hrvatske gospodarske komore, Zagreb, Hrvatska)

2012    “Strategic construal of in and out in English particle verbs” (Institute of English and American Studies, Sveučilište u Hamburgu)

Autorske knjige:
Geld, Renata i Matesuz-Milan Stanojević: Strateško konstruiranje značenja riječju i slikom: konceptualna motivacija u ovladavanju jezikom. Zagreb, Srednja Europa, 2018.
Uredničke knjige:
UZRT 2016 Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics, Zagreb: FF Press (uredila zajedno sa Stelom Leticom Krevelj)
UZRT 2018 Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics, Zagreb: FF Press (uredila zajedno sa Stelom Leticom Krevelj)

Članci  (izabrano)

Geld, Renata (suatorica Marta Šarčanin): ”Textual and pictorial representations in strategic thinking about linguistic meaning”. 2019. Jezikoslovlje 20(3). 423-445.

Geld, Renata (suautor with Mohammad Amiryousefi): ‘’The role of redressing teachers’ instructional feedback interventions in EFL learners’ motivation and achievement in distance education.” 2019. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. 1-13

Geld, Renata (suator Matesuz Milan Stanojević): “Topologically biased construal in offline processing: the case of up and down in the language of the blind.” 2016. Suvremena lingvistika [Contemporary Linguistics]. 42. 1-25.

Geld, Renata: “Investigating meaning construal in the language of the blind: a cognitive linguistic perspective.” 2014. Suvremena lingvistika 77. 27-59.

Geld, Renata (suator Ricardo Maldonado): “Strategic construal of in and out in English PVs.” 2011. Language Value, 3 (1), Multiword patterns: considering phrasal verbs and their underlying semantic systems. Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I: Castelló, Spain. 76-113. 

 Geld, Renata: “Topological and lexical determination in English PVs.”  2011. Language Value, 3 (1), Multiword patterns: considering phrasal verbs and their underlying semantic systems. Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I: Castelló, Spain. 49-75.

Geld, Renata (suautor Mateusz Milan Stanojević): The dative in Croatian as a dominion phenomenon.” 2008. Études Cognitive 8. 95- 108.

Geld, Renata (coauthored with Mateusz Milan Stanojević): Reading comprehension: statistical analysis for primary and secondary schools.” 2007. Metodika. 8. 160-172.

Geld, Renata: Konceptualizacija i vidovi konstruiranja značenja: temeljne kognitivnolingvističke postavke i pojmovi” 2006. Suvremena lingvistika. 62. 183-211.

 Geld, Renata: Strateško konstruiranje značenja engleskih fraznih glagola” 2006. Jezikoslovlje. 7.1-2. 67-111.

Geld, Renata (suatorica Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović): Mjesto i uloga engleskog jezika u životu četverogodišnjeg hrvatskog djeteta” 2006. Dijete i jezik. 2006. Edited by Vodopija, Irena. Osijek : Visoka učiteljska škola, Sveučilište u Osijeku.

Geld, Renata (suator Mateusz Milan Stanojević): “Current relevance: a cognitive account”. 2005. Glossos 6.

Geld, Renata (suatorica Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović): “English in Croatia Today: Opportunities for Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition” 2002-2003. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. XLVII-XLVIII (2002-2003) ; 335-352.

Poglavlja (izabrano)
Geld, Renata (suautorica Ana Petanjak Dedić): “Strategic Construal of Particle Verbs (PVs) in Croatian Secondary-School Learners of English”. In Situating Language Learning Strategy Use: Present Issues and Future Trends. Series: Second Language Acquisition 146. Edited by Lydia Mitits and Zoe Gavriilidou. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2020, pp. 128-141.

Geld, Renata (suatorica Iva Gugo): “Frequency and Type of Gesture in the Blind and the Sighted in L1 and L2“. In UZRT 2016 Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics. Edited by Krevelj Letica, Stela; Renata Geld. Zagreb: FF Press, 2017, pp. 127-138.

Geld, Renata: “What vocabulary networks reveal about young learners’ language“. In A New Dynamics of Primary English. Edited by Mihaljević Djigunović, Jelena; Marta Medved Krajnović. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2015, pp. 149-173.

Geld, Renata (suautori Mateusz-Milan stanojević & Tomislav Tadić): “Uloga konceptualne metafore u poučavanju vokabulara kod videćih i slijepih učenika engleskoga jezika” [The role of conceptual metaphor in teaching vocabulary to sighted and blind learners of English] In Metafore koje istražujemo: suvremeni uvidi u konceptualnu metaforu  [Metaphors we research: contemporary insights into conceptual metaphor]. Edited by Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2014. pp. 255-282.

Geld, Renata (suautor Mateusz Milan Stanojević): New current relevance in Croatian: epistemic immediacy and the aorist”. In Cognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect, and Epistemic Modality. Edited by Patard, Adeline; Brisard, Frank. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011. pp. 159-180.

Geld, Renata (suautorica Stela Letica Krevelj): Centrality of space in the strategic construal of up in English particle verbs”. In Space and Time in Language. Edited by Brdar, Mario; Omazić, Marija; Buljan, Gabrijela; Bagarić, Vesna; Gradečak-Erdeljić, Tanja. Frankfurt / New York: Peter Lang Verlag, 2011. pp. 145-166.

Geld, Renata (suatorica Maja Šimunić): A case study of a blind speaker of English as L2”. In Cognitive Approaches to English: Fundamental, Methodological, Interdisciplinary an Applied Aspects. Edited by Brdar, Mario; Omazić, Marija; Pavičić Takač, Višnja. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. pp. 403-430.

Geld, Renata (suatorica Snježana Đurđek): Gradience in L2 procesing: the importance of the non-protoypical”. In Cognitive Approaches to English: Fundamental, Methodological, Interdisciplinary and Applied Aspects. Edited by Brdar, Mario; Omazić, Marija ; Pavičić Takač, Višnja. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. pp. 363-383.

Geld, Renata (suautorica Irena Zovko Dinković): Perfectives, imperfectives and the Croatian present tense”. In Cognitive Paths into the Slavic Domain. Edited by Divjak, Dagmar; Kochanska, Agata. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2007. pp. 111-148.

Urednički i recenzentski posao
– Članica uredničkog odbora/Editorial board – John Benjamins Publishing Company, the book series Human Cognitive Processing: Cognitive Foundations of Language Structure and Use https://benjamins.com/catalog/hcp
– Urednica za filologiju (FF Press – Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, UNIZG)
– Recenzetica za časopis Strani jezici [Foreign Languages]
– Recenzetica za – Recenzetica za publikacije HDPLa
– Recenzetica za TESL-EJ
– Recenzetica za Linguistica (Slovenija)
– Recenzetica za časopis Filologija
– Recenzetica za publikacije HDPLa

Cognitive Science Society (CSS)
Croatian Association of Teachers of English (HUPE)

Članica organizacijskih odbora

2018    University of Zagreb Round Table – Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
2016    University of Zagreb Round Table – Empirical Studies in Applied Linguistics. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
2014  Croatian Applied Linguistics Conference “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Multilingualism”. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
2013    Societas Linguistica Europea Conference, University of Split, Croatia
2013   Croatian Applied Linguistics Conference “Standards and Sociolects in the 21st Century”, University of Zagreb & University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia
2012    Croatian Applied Linguistics Conference “Language as Information”. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

Opširnija bibliografija:


http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=249824 (stari link)