Dr. Ivor Karavanić

Full Professor

Department of Archaeology

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Zagreb

Ivana Lučića 3

10000 Zagreb




curriculim vitae





Ivor Karavanić is an archaeologist whose professional interests include Palaeolithic archaeology, human evolution, prehistoric knapped lithic technologies and prehistoric religions. His main research interest is the adaptation of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic hunters and gatherers in Central Europe and the Mediterranean with a focus on their lithic industries. Karavanić is leading the excavations of the Velika pećina (Kličevica) and research on Paleolithic underwater site Kaštel Štafilić - Resnik. He was formerly directing the excavations at the Mujina pećina, Zemunica and Zala sites in Croatia. He has been French governement Felow as well as, Konstantin-Jiriček Fellow in Austria and Fulbright predoctoral Fellow in United States. He has also been a visiting professor at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (IPH, Paris), University of Ljubljana, Jagiellonian University (Krakow) and served as a Head of the Department of Archaeology and Associated Dean at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.





Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb: BA (1990), MA (1993), PhD (1999).



Classes Taught


Paleolithic hunter-gatherers, Archaeology of Neanderthals and early modern humans, Lithic analysis, Introduction to Theoretical Archaeology, Paleolithic symbolism and art. Seminars: Paleolithic of Croatia, Middle/Upper Paleolithic transition, Beginnings of symbolism and art, Paleolithic and Mesolithic (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo), Symbolism and Religions in Paleolithic (Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus, Zagreb).



Professional Memberships


Society for American Archaeology, Commision for the Upper Paleolithic of UISPP, INQUA National Committee (Croatia), Permanent Board for Humanities of Croatian Science Foundation.



Selected Publications


Karavanić, I., Janković, I., Ahern, C. M. & Smith, F. H. 2014. Current research on the Middle Paleolithic cave, open-air and underwater sites in Dalmatia, Croatia. In: Mikulov Anthropology Meeting (Eds. S. Sázelová, A. Hupková & T. Mořkovský), pp. 31-36. The Dolní Věstonice studies 20. Brno, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Anthropology. (PDF)


Karavanić, I. & Smith, F. H. 2013. Alternative interpretations of the Middle/Upper Paleolithic interface at Vindija Cave (northwestern Croatia) in the context of central Europe and the Adriatic. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 41(4), 11-20.


Karavanić, I., Vukosavljević, N., Šošić, R., Kurtanjek, D. & Zupanič, J. 2013. Litička i koštana industrija epigravetijenskih slojeva Šandalje II kod Pule/The lithic and bone industries of the Epigravettian layers from Šandalja II near Pula. Vjesnik za arheologiju i povijest dalmatinsku 106, 7-73. (PDF)


Karavanić, I. 2012. Prapočetci religije: simbolika i duhovnost u paleolitiku. Zagreb, Školska knjiga.


Nizek, R. & Karavanić, I. 2012. Prostorna analiza nalaza musterijenskih razina D2, E1, E2 i E3 Mujine pećine/The spatial analysis of finds from Mousterian levels D2, E1, E2 and E3 at Mujina pećina. Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 29, 25-56. (PDF)


Janković, I., Ahern, J. C. M., Karavanić, I., Stockton, T. & Smith, F. H. 2012. Epigravettian Human Remains and Artifacts from Šandalja II, Istria, Croatia. Paleoanthropology 87-122. (PDF)


Janković, I. Mihelić, S. and Karavanić, I. 2011. Put neandertalca/The Neandertal Trail. Zagreb, Arheološki muzej.


Vukosavljević, N., Perhoč, Z., Čečuk, B. & Karavanić, I. 2011. Kasnoglacijalna industrija lomljenog kamena pećine Kopačine/Late Glacial knapped stone industry of Kopačina cave. Vjesnik za arheologiju i povijest dalmatinsku 104, 7-54. (PDF)



Karavanić, I. 2009. Adriatic coast of Croatia and its hinterland from 50 000 to 25 000 BP. In: The Mediterranean from 50 000 to 25 000 BP: Tutning points and new directions (Eds. M. Camps & C. Szmidt), pp. 163-178. Oxford, Oxbow Books.


Janković, I. & Karavanić, I. 2009. Osvit čovječanstva: početci našega biološkog i kulturnog razvoja. Zagreb, Školska knjiga.


Karavanić, I., Miracle, P. T., Culiberg, M., Kurtanjek, D., Zupanič, J., Golubić, V., Paunović, M., Mauch Lenardić, J. Malez, V., Šošić, R., Janković, I. & Smith, F. H. 2008. The Middle Paleolithic from Mujina Pećina, Dalmatia, Croatia. Journal of Field Archaeology 33, 259-277.


Karavanić, I. 2007. Le Moustérien en Croatie. L'Anthropologie 111, 321-345. (PDF)


Higham, T., Ramsey, C.B., Karavanić, I., Smith, F.H. & Trinkaus, E. 2006. Revised direct radiocarbon dating of the Vindija Upper Paleolithic Neandertals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103, 553-557. (PDF)


Janković, I., Karavanić, I, Ahern, J. C. M., Brajković, D, Mauch Lenardić, J. & Smith, F. H., 2006.,Vindija Cave and the modern human peopling of Europe. Collegium Antropologicum 30:457-466. (PDF)


Smith, F. H., Janković, I. & Karavanić, I. 2005. The assimilation model, modern human origins in Europe, and the extinction of Neandertals. Quaternary International 137, 7-19. (PDF)


Karavanić, I. 2004. Život neandertalaca. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.


Ahern, J. C. M., Karavanić, I. Paunović, M., Janković, I. & Smith, F. H. 2004. New discoveries and interpretations of hominid fossils and artifacts from Vindija Cave, Croatia. Journal of Human Evolution 46, 25-65. (PDF) - Erratum (PDF)


Karavanić, I. 2003. L'industrie aurignacienne de la grotte de Šandalja II (Istrie, Croatie) dans le contexte de la région de l'est de l'Adriatique. L'Anthropologie 107, 577-602. (PDF)



Rink, J. W., Karavanić, I., Pettitt, P., van der Plicht, J., Smith, F. H. & Bartoll, J. 2002. ESR and AMS-based 14C dating of Mousterian levels at Mujina Pećina, Dalmatia, Croatia. Journal of Archaeological Sciences 29/9, 943-952. (PDF)


Richards, M. P., Pettitt, P. B., Trinkaus E., Smith, F. H., Paunović, M. & Karavanić, I. 2000. Neanderthal diet at Vindija and Neanderthal predation: The evidence from stable isotopes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 97/13, 7663-7666. (PDF)


Smith, F. H., Trinkaus, E., Pettitt, P. B., Karavanić, I. & Paunović, M. 1999. Direct radiocarbon dates for Vindija G1 and Velika Pećina Late Pleistocene hominid remains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 96/22, 12281-12286. (PDF)


Karavanić, I. & Smith, F. H. 1998. The Middle/Upper Paleolithic interface and the relationship of Neanderthals and early modern humans in the Hrvatsko Zagorje, Croatia. Journal of Human Evolution 34, 223-248. (PDF)


Karavanić, I. 1995. Upper Paleolithic occupation levels and late-occurring Neandertal at Vindija Cave (Croatia) in the context of Central Europe and the Balkans. Journal of Anthropological Research 51/1, 9-35.


Karavanić I. 1993. Prijedlog osnovnoga strukovnog nazivlja za srednji i mlađi paleolitik. Opuscula archaeologica 16 (1992), 15-35. (PDF)