Department for
German Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
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Programme: GL&L - Emphasis on Translation (Graduate) Print

Due to enhanced globalisation in all areas of life as well as political changes in the last decade, international exchange has been intensified on all levels – from knowledge, skills and technologies to people and goods. All this has led to an increased demand for translation and for proficient translators and interpreters. Translations of all text types and genres as well as consecutive and simultaneous interpreting at international conferences and meetings are carried out for purposes of international communication. The demand for translation has become so great that in the long term it can only be met through a professional graduate programme in translation at Croatian universities. The overall learning objective of the graduate programme in translation is to educate translators/interpreters as intermediaries between their own and other languages and cultures in such a way that they are not only able to translate and communicate information from one language to another, but also to produce target texts of high quality. Besides an excellent knowledge of one or two foreign languages in addition to Croatian (their mother tongue), our curriculum provides students with a broad general education in translation and interpretation. The program integrates theoretical and practical courses in such a way that theory is based on practice, while practice is enriched and improved by theoretical insights. The graduate programme in translation consists of two modules, one for training translators and another for training interpreters. The competencies acquired by our students upon graduation are the following: the ability to act as intermediaries between their own and other languages and cultures, excellent language and cultural competence as well as specific translation competencies which include choosing a translation strategy and method, additional specialisation in at least two academic fields, computer literacy, written and multimedial design of texts, a good knowledge of Croatian normative grammar and orthography, and competence in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.

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