Department for
German Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
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Course description: (German) Language and music Print

Course: (German) Language and music

ECTS credits: 2

Language: German

Duration: one semester

Status: elective (2nd and 3rd year)

Course type: 2 hours of seminar

Course description: 1. Introduction: The metalanguage of music. 2.-3. Music and emotions./ Music and foreign languages./Basics of linguistic text analysis. 4.-13. Analysis and translation of lyrics. 14. and 15. Final presentations and reflections.

Learning outcomes: Students will be able: to describe the functions of lyrics and recognize the linguistic characteristics, to analyse and translate lyrics (lexically, stylistically and syntactically), acquiring linguistic and communicative competence.

Teaching methods: Teaching through joint analysis of lyrics, classroom discussion, individual presentations.

Literature: Buchner, Holm (2009): Schon mal gehört? Musik für Deutschlerner. Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH; Kopiez, Reinhard; Lehmann, Andreas (2017): Handbuch Musikpsychologie. Hogrefe AG; Rottman, Karin; Wicke, Rainer, E. (2013): Musik und Kunst im DaF-Unterricht. Berlin, Cornelsen Verlag; Jäncke, Lutz (2008): Macht Musik schlau? Neue Erkenntnisse aus den Neurowissenschaften und der kognitiven Psychologie. Bern, Hans Huber Verlag; Spitzer, Manfred (2014): Musik im Kopf. Stuttgart, Schattauer Verlag; Spitzer, Manfred (2021): Das musikalische Gehirn: Wie Musik auf uns wirkt. MvG Verlag, München; Petrušić-Hluchý, Irena (2012): Popsongs im DaF-Unterricht. Strani jezici, 41 (2012), 2, Zagreb (S. 171-191); Heinemann, Michael (2013): Kleine Geschichte der Musik. Stuttgart, Reclam-Verlag; Korff, Malte (2010): Wörterbuch der Musik. Stuttgart, Reclam-Verlag.

Evaluation Methods and Grading: class attendance, presentation, seminar paper