Department for
German Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
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Course description: Introduction...(The Basic Principles...) Print

Course: Introduction to the Methodology of Teaching German - The Basic Principles and Procedures in Teaching German

ECTS credits: 3

Language: German

Duration: one semester

Status: obligatory

Course type: 2 hours of lecture

Course description: In this course students will acquire know-how and skills for autonomous teaching German as a foreign language based on the communicative and pragmatic approach which includes planning, implementation and analysis.

Learning outcomes: Students will be able to: effectively use their knowledge of the German language and German Language Teaching in the following areas: analysis of Croatian GFL learners’ errors and error therapy, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, development of the four skills in TGFL, teaching culture and civilization of German language speaking countries, intercultural aspects of TGFL, criteria for selection of teaching materials in GFL, evaluation and assessment.

Teaching methods: teaching through lectures, discussion, PPT, group work, individual work

Literature: Koeppel, Rolf (2016): Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Spracherwerblich reflektierte Unterrichtspraxis. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag, 3. überarb. und erweit. Aufl.; Heyd, G. (1990): Deutsch lehren. Grundwissen für den Unterricht in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Frankfurt/M.: Diesterweg; Storch, G. (2001): Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine Didaktik. München: Fink, 2. Aufl.; Jung, Lothar (2001): 99 Stichwörter zum Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Ismaning: Hueber; Gemeinsamer europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (2001). Berlin usf.: Langenscheidt.

Evaluation Methods and Grading: class attendance, written exam