Department for
German Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
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Course description: Language Training II Print

Course: Language Training 2

ECTS credits: 2

Language: German

Duration: one semester

Status: obligatory

Course type: 2 hours of seminar

Course description: Processing recent topics from German-speaking countries; analysis of written texts; composing of own texts; work on advanced German grammar topics; expansion of vocabulary of selected areas - school (teaching) language; reception and production of oral texts; independent research and processing of certain cultural topics; paper, presentation.

Learning outcomes: Students will improve their competence in spoken and written terms; they will expand their knowledge of the culture of German-speaking countries and the intercultural communication competency as well.

Teaching methods: teaching through seminars, classroom discussion, presentations, group work, individual work or work in pairs

Literature: Authentic German texts; Butzkamm, Wolfgang (2007) Unterrichtssprache Deutsch, Hueber Verlag; Lütze-Miculinić, Marija; Jelaska, Zrinka (2018) Hrvatsko-njemački rječnik školskoga jezika I. Zagreb: HFD; Rug, Wolfgang; Tomaszewski, Andreas (2006): Grammatik mit Sinn und Verstand: Übungsgrammatik Mittel- und Oberstufe, Stuttgart: Ernst Klett; Duden Deutsches Universalwörterbuch; Hansen-Kokoruš, Matešić, Pečur-Medinger, Znika (2005) Deutsch-kroatisches Universalwörterbuch, Nakladni zavod Globus; Duden Richtiges und gutes Deutsch, Band 9; Hall/Scheiner (2000) Übungsgrammatik für Fortgeschrittene, Verlag für Deutsch Neubearbeitung. Beratung. Kassel, München: Hueber; Hueber; Schade, Günter; Drumm, Sandra; Henning, Ute; Hufeisen, Britta: Einführung in die deutsche Sprache der Wissenschaften, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 2020; Graefen, Gabriele; Moll, Melanie: Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch: lesen – verstehen – schreiben. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, Peter Lang GmbH - Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main 2011.

Evaluation Methods and Grading: class attendance, seminar paper or presentation, written exam