Opis kolegija: Osnove nizozemskog jezika za germaniste

Naziv kolegija: Osnove nizozemskog jezika za germaniste

Izvođač/ica: Petra Bručić

ECTS bodovi: 3

Jezik: engleski i nizozemski

Trajanje: jedan semestar

Status: izborni

Oblik nastave: predavanja - seminar

Uvjeti upisa: za 2. i 3. prediplomske germanistike

Ciljevi: Following this course, students will learn about the Dutch language with the focus on language acquisition, the status and history of the language and the differences with German. At the end, students will be on an A1.2 ERF level, can summarize the status of Dutch in the world and can name the main differences between German and Dutch from the aspects of morfology, syntaxis and fonology.

Uloga kolegija u ukupnom kurikulumu: Dutch is linguistically the closest language to German. Learning a different Germanic language is not only benefitial because of the new skill of knowing a new language, also it helps in better understanding the German language.

Korištene metode: predavanja, individualni rad

Sadržaj: 1-2: An introduction to Dutch: the position of Dutch in the world, a brief history, Dutch in between German and English, basic fonology; 3-5: Chapter 1: Meeting – basic vocabulary, conjugation of verbs (presens) – basic word order; 6-8: Chapter 2: Social gatherings: basic vocabulary, possesive pronouns, negation, plurals of substantives, modal verbs; 9-10: Chapter 3: Daily life: basic vocabulary, adjectives, personal pronouns, word order; 11-12: Chapter 4: transportation: basic vocabulary, main and subordinate clause, conjugation of verbs (past tense); 13-14: Chapter 5: Leisure: basic vocabulary, comparative – superlative; 15: the main differences between German and Dutch from the aspects of morfology, syntaxis and fonology – recap. - Continous: the main differences between German and Dutch from the aspects of morfology, syntaxis and fonology.

Literatura: A. Obvezatna: De Opmaat. Naar NT2-niveau A2 / Beersman, Maud / Tersteeg, Wim. Boom, Amsterdam, 2010. - Nederlands in hoofdlijnen : praktische grammatica voor anderstaligen : theorieboek / Meijboom, Marjan | Bakker, Ineke | Norbart, Adriaan | Smits, Carla | Vink, Sylvia. Groningen : Walters-Noordhoff, 2009. - Van Dale Groot woordenboek Nederlands-Duits : a-m / Cora Bastiaansen. Utrecht ; Antwerpen : Van Dale, 2008. - - B. Dopunska: Hulpboekje Nederlandse grammatica voor anderstaligen / Anneke Koorn. Leersum : Van Dorp Educatief, 2010. - De regels van het Nederlands : grammatica voor anderstaligen / A.F. Florijn ; J..A. Lalleman; et al. Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2001.

Studentske obveze i provjera: Regular attention to the lessons, homework, paper on the differences between German and Dutch, written exam.