====== Bibliographic XPath Queries ====== See also [[z:xpath-dnevnik|XPath dnevnik]]. * {{:z:110204juric.zip|Bibliography of Croatian Latin Writers}}, prepared by Šime Jurić (zipped XML, version 11-02-04) * The same in PhiloLogic: [[http://www.ffzg.hr/klafil/croala/juric.whizbang.form.html|juric]]. * XPath Queries (you can copy and paste this e. g. in the XPath toolbar): * //imprint[not(date)] --- find all imprint elements which do not contain a date child * //add --- find all add elements * //add[parent::date] --- find all add elements which are contained immediately in date elements (replace //date// with //pubPlace// or //publisher// as needed) * //add[not(parent::date)] --- find all add elements which are **not** contained immediately in date elements * //date[preceding-sibling::publisher] --- find all date elements immediately preceded by a publisher element * //date[not(preceding-sibling::publisher)] --- find all date elements **not** immediately preceded by a publisher element * //..[preceding-sibling::pubPlace]/add --- find all elements containing //add// and immediately preceded by a pubPlace element as "sibling" (warning: takes a long time) * //..[not(preceding-sibling::pubPlace)]/add --- find all elements containing //add// which are **not** immediately preceded by a pubPlace element (warnings: finds all pubPlace elements; takes a long time on file containing Juric's bibliography)