====== Beyond CroALa ====== What can be done with what we learned and achieved in building CroALa? There are at least two paths (as always). First, the TEI XML collection of texts can be published somewhere else --- as it has been done [[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/collection?collection=Perseus:collection:PDILL|in Perseus with Poeti d' Italia in lingua latina]], with different tools and different study purposes at its disposal. Second, the PhiloLogic environment and procedures devised for Croatian Latin texts can be applied to other sets of texts, e. g. to [[http://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala/aquae.whizbang.form.html|Latin inscriptions from the Aquae Iasae]], or to [[http://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala/denos.whizbang.form.html|texts of other neo-Latin authors important for Croatia]] (the so-called //De nostratibus// collection). We have also experimented with publishing bibliographic data in PhiloLogic; having started with the updated bibliography of printed Latin texts by Croatian authors, first published by Šime Jurić (Šime Jurić, //Iugoslaviae scriptores Latini recentioris aetatis//, Zagreb 1968-1971, //Additamentum//, Zagreb 1982), we are now developing a database of prosopographic and bibliographic records [[http://www.ffzg.unizg.hr/klafil/croala/mc.form.html|Mercurius Croaticus]].