====== Leipzig Workshop - Croatian documentation ====== A workshop of the [[http://cts.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/|Digital Humanities Leipzig]] research programme. ===== Getting CTS / MOM workflow to work (English version by Anamarija Žugić) ===== 5. 8. 2013. Software to install: * Fuseki * Gradle-1.6 * Oxygen 14.2 * Mercurial 2.6.3 Installed: * Oxygen 14.2 * Mercurial 2.6.3 Clone a repository using Mercurial ([[https://bitbucket.org/neelsmith/dse|dse]]) 6.8. Problems with installing Gradle-1.6 on Windows XP (visible in Command Prompt): * incorrect path (solved by going to Properties in My Computer, then clicking Advanced System Settings and writing the correct path in the Environment Variables) * Java not installed (solved by installing Java Development Kit 1.7.0_25) * Path for Java doesn't exist on the machine (solved by going to Environment Variables and setting the JAVA_HOME variable and writing the installation path for Java in Variable Value; restarting computer and Command Prompt) Cloned another repository using Mercurial ([[https://bitbucket.org/neelsmith/dsetemplate|dsetemplate]]) Opened the TextInventory file using Oxygen (added the path to TextInventory in the Customize: Schema URL) Created test files using Oxygen: Publilius Syrus.xml (this is a TextInventory) Izdanje5.xml (this is a TEI XML to contain text) Edited conf.gradle file: * Imported path to ctsinventory (path for .xml file (TextInventory) including the file name) * Imported path to ctsarchive (path for .xml without the file name) Started Gradle in Command Prompt: * Started gradle tasks (in folder „Primjer“, this is where dse was cloned) * gradle checkti test - PASS * gradle ctsttl (failed due to lack of document containing text of the edition – Oxygen command refering to non-existing document: ) Creating a test document (with the text of the edition): created a new file using Oxygen (document type: TEI P5 – all) Started Gradle: ran gradle ctsttl – passed all tests after fixing the error 2 files created as a result: cts.ttl izdanje5-00001.txt ====== Instaliranje i korištenje CTS MOM sustava (hrvatska verzija, Jan Šipoš) ====== sustav: Mac OS 10.6.8. ===== Prvi dan (5. 8. 2013.) ===== - instalacija: * python-dev (Terminal: easy_install python-dev) * Oxygen XML Editor 14.2 * mercurial-2.7 problem u instalaciji – u sustavu nije postojao gcc (C compiler) niti se mogao instalirati **rješenje** – nađena binary verzija Mercuriala na: [[http://mercurial.berkwood.com/]] Kloniran repozitorij dse (Terminal, via Mercurial: hg clone https://bitbucket.org/neelsmith/dse) ===== Drugi dan (6. 8. 2013.) ===== - preuzete datoteke (via Mercurial): dsetemplate (Terminal: hg clone https://bitbucket.org/neelsmith/dsetemplate) - kreirane datoteke (Oxygen): minorpoets.xml (TextInventory) new> customize> Schema URL: dsetemplate/texts/editions/TextInventory.rng mlp.xml (TEI) – kreirano naknadno - gradle (instalacija) * problem u pokretanju – Terminal: gradle: command not found * rješenje: dodan je PATH na gradle-ov bin folder - gradle (konfiguracija): * conf.gradle – u datoteku unesene adrese za ctsinventory i ctsarchive Terminal (u folderu dse): gradle tasks - gradle (validacija): Terminal: gradle checkti problem: datoteka nije prošla validaciju, jer nije bio specificiran ctsnamespace rješenje: dodano kao prvi child node na root node - gradle (kreacija RDF) Terminal: gradle ttl problem – još nije bila kreirana datoteka mlp.xml na koju se poziva minorpoets.xml (TextInventory): rješenje – datoteka je kreirana prema TEI p5.all templatu nastale datoteke: * minorpoets-00001.txt * mlp-00001.txt * cts.ttl ====== Thursday, 7. August 2013: Workshop with Christopher Blackwell and Neel Smith ====== //Report prepared by Željka Salopek.// Connecting image with text inventory - Signing in to Bitbucket: [[http://bitbucket.org/]] - Clone a repository using Mercurial („hg clone“ command) (https://bitbucket.org/nevenjovanovic/croaladse) - Updating repository -- with commands „hg pull“ and „hg update“ in Mercurial in order to get the latest version. - Adding „Caption statement data“ and „Rights data“ about the Image. (ci –m „Edited data collection“). Concluded with „hg push“ command. - Adding text inventory created in the previous workshop (Publilius Syrus). (ci –m „Added text inventory“). Concluded with „hg push“ command. ====== Monday, 12 August 2013: Prepare a CTS repository for serving RDF ====== 1. CTS working repository is croaladse 2. CTS RDF-serving repository (where the ttl files will be) is croaladsepub -- cloned from dsetemplate 3. gradle.conf in the CTS RDF-serving repository must point to relevant places in the CTS working repository 4. gradle checkti 5. gradle ttl ====== Osmanides, XML edition ====== //Anamarija Žugić, Jan Šipoš, Jura Ozmec// * Skinuli PDF digitalizat izdanja osmanides (Google Books), skinuli libreoffice i [[z:provjera-lat-pravop|latinski spellingchecker]] * Natezali se s mercurialom (nije praktično da svi rade na istoj datoteci) pa podijelili izdanje na svaku knjigu posebno – dogovorili se sta radimo i sta oznacujemo, sta radimo kad tko koju knjigu zavrsi ===== 13.8. Stvaranje izdanja „Osmanides“ u prijevodu Vlahe Getaldića uz pomoć Oxygena ===== * Ispunjeni osnovni podaci o izdanju u TextInventory; umetnut tekst * Kloniran repozitorij s bitbucket adrese pomoću Command Prompta Instalacija programa i alata za rad na tekstu: * LibreOffice * alat za provjeru pravopisa i gramatike (Latin spelling and hyphenation dictionaries) – ekstenzija preuzeta s adrese: extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/dict-la u programu LibreOffice: Tools> Extension Manager>Add (odabrati željenu ekstenziju) Rad na tekstu: * po jedno pjevanje dodijeljeno svakom studentu unutar .xml datoteke koja sadrži cjelokupni tekst Osmanide * pri ispravljanju OCR-a bilo je potrebno ukloniti suvišne redove što je dovelo do konflikata kod spajanja u jednu datoteku (hg merge) * zbog konflikata izmijenjeno je tijelo teksta – rješenje: tekst podijeljen po pjevanjima u zasebne .xml datoteke * zadane korekcije (za svako pjevanje): * naslov pjevanja okružiti oznakom * sažetak pjevanja okružiti oznakom * naslov sažetka okružiti oznakom * svaki stih zasebno okružiti oznakom (moguće automatski postaviti pomoću komande Find/Replace (Ctrl + f); u polje Text to find upisati ^.+$ a u polje Replace with upisati $0, u Options izabrati Regular expression, te u Scope izabrati Only selected lines) * XML elementi: sic, persName, corr, pb, ref * ortografski arhaične riječi, riječi kojih nema u rječniku i očite pogreške okružujemo oznakom sic * osobna imena tiskana malom kapitalom okružujemo oznakom persName * pogreške u tiskanom izdanju koje smo ispravili okružujemo oznakom corr * početak nove stranice okružujemo oznakom pb () * oznaku za fusnotu okružujemo oznakom ref * tekst fusnote okružujemo oznakom note * Umetanje brojeva stihova: Na alatnoj traci oXygena pronađemo ključ (za bicikl) kraj crvenog trokuta u krugu. Pritisnemo i odaberemo "brojevi", a zatim "transform now". * Provjerimo jesu li novo dodani brojevi stihova usklađeni s prijašnjima. Pohranimo rezultat transformacije pod nazivom broja knjige na kojom radimo.