Marko Šarić, M.A.                                      << natrag    <<<  back

Kratak životopis / Short Biography
Stipendije, gostovanja / Scholarships, Fellowships
Bibliografija / Bibliography
Konferencije, predavanja / Conferences, Lectures
Nastavne aktivnosti / Teaching Activities
Ostale aktivnosti / Remaining Activities






Rođen 15. rujna 1971. u Zagrebu.


Od 1992. do 1998. pohađao je dvopredmetni studij povijesti i poljskog jezika i književnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu (Sveučilište u Zagrebu) te 1998. diplomirao s temom "Društveni odnosi i previranja u sandžaku Lika-Krka u 16. i početkom 17. stoljeća".


Od 1998. pohađao je poslijediplomski studij povijesti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu.


U listopadu 2005. magistrirao je s radom "Dinarski Vlasi između Osmanskog Carstva i Venecije: povijest pravnih institucija jednog krajiškog društva (15.-17. stoljeće)".


Od svibnja 2001., zaposlen je kao znanstveni novak na Zavodu za hrvatsku povijest Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u statusu asistenta.


Od 2001. tajnik je međunarodnog istraživačkog projekta "Triplex Confinium".


Od 2004. koordinator je Triplex Confinium pod-projekta "Titius" (u osnutku).


Bavi se istraživanjem povijesti Jugoistočne Europe (“Zapadnog Balkana”) u ranom novom vijeku s posebnim naglaskom na povijesti vlaških društava, te na povijesti vojnokrajiških sustava na tromeđi Habsburške Monarhije, Osmankog Carstva i Mletačke Republike.  




Born on September 15, 1971, in Zagreb (Croatia).


From 1992 until 1998, he studied History and Polish language at the Faculty of Philosophy  (University of Zagreb). Graduated in  1998 with the topic  "Social Relations and Conflicts in the Lika-Krka sanjak in the 16th Century and the Beginning of the 17th Century.”


From 1998 attended post-graduate studies in history  at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. 


In October 2005 he achieved MA degree with the thesis ‘Dinaric Vlachs between the Ottoman Empire and Venice: History of Legal Institutions in the Military Border Society (15th-17th Centuries)’. 


From May 2001, works as a Younger Assistant at the Institute of Croatian History (History Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb)


From 2001 he is a secretary of the International Research Project "Triplex Confinium". 


From 2004 he is also a co-ordinator of the Triplex Confinium Sub-project "Titius"


His research focuses to the early modern history of the South-east Europe ("Western Balkans") and particularly to the history of Vlach societies and history of the Military Border on the triple border between the Habsburg Monarchy, the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire.






 Knjige / Books

 Znanstveni radovi / Scientific Articles


 Stručni radovi / Articles

 KOnferencije, predavanja / Conferences, Lectures

Nastavne aktivnosti / Teaching Activities


From September 2001 - Teaching Assistant in two undergraduate courses at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. First, the seminar titled "Everyday Life in the Early Modern Period in the 16th and 17th Centuries" within the mandatory course "Croatian history, 16th-18th centuries" led by Prof. Dr. Nenad Moačanin. Second, the seminar  titled "European rivers and peoples in the Early Modern Period" within the mandatory course "History of Central and South-eastern Europe in the Early Modern Period" led by Prof Dr. Drago Roksandić.

From September 2004 - teaching an optional course "Vlachs of Dinaric Regions: Frontier Societies on the Imperial Borders."

Ostale aktivnosti / Remaining Activities


In 2003, member of the Organization Committee for the exhibition "German-French Reconciliation for Europe". The exhibition was initiated by the German Embassy, the French Embassy and the French Institute in Zagreb.


Within the bio-bibliographical project of HNOPZ (Croatian National Committee for Historical Sciences), he worked on the collection of information on institutions and periodicals for the Lexicon of Croatian Historians. 

In 2003/2004 worked as the Academic Coordinator of the History Program at the Department of Humanistic Sciences in Split (Croatia).



Member of the "Society of Friends of Stojan Janković Tower and Ravni Kotari"




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Triplex Confinum web pages are created and maintained by Nataša Štefanec