Doc. dr. sc. Nataša Štefanec                        << natrag  <<<  back

Kratak životopis / Short Biography
Stipendije, gostovanja / Scholarships, Fellowships
Bibliografija / Bibliography
Konferencije, predavanja / Conferences, Lectures
Nastavne aktivnosti / Teaching Activities
Ostale aktivnosti / Remaining Activities



Rođena je 28. travnja 1973. u Čakovcu.


- 1991.-1997. - pohađala dvopredmetni studij filozofije i povijesti na Filozofskom fakultetu (Sveučilište u Zagrebu) te 1997. diplomirala s temom "Povijesna obzorja promjene statusa umjetnika i umjetnosti u srednjozapadnoj Europi i Italiji u drugoj polovini 16. stoljeća".



- 1996.-1997. - pohađala poslijediplomski studij povijesti na Srednjoeuropskom Sveučilištu u Budimpešti. U srpnju 1997. magistrirala s temom "The Ascend of the Zrinski Family and Their Role in the Spread of Protestantism in the Second Half of the 16th Century".


- 1998.-2000. - pohađala poslije-diplomski studij povijesti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. U veljači 2000. po drugi put magistrirala s temom "Rod Zrinskih u drugoj polovini 16. stoljeća. Pola stoljeća hrvatske povijesti iz perspektive jednog velikaškog roda".


- 1998.-2004. - pohađala doktorandski studij povijesti na Srednjoeuropskom sveučilištu u Budimpešti. Doktorirala u lipnju 2004. s temom "Diet in Bruck an der Mur (1578) and the Estates on the Croatian, Slavonian and Kanisian Military Border".  Ispitna komisija: prof. dr. Katalin Péter, prof. dr. Wendy Bracewell, prof. dr. Karl Kaser, prof. dr. Drago Roksandić (predsjednik: prof. dr. István Rév).



- od 1997. akademski je koordinator međunarodnog istraživačkog projekta "Triplex Confinium". Uređuje Triplex Confinium web-stranice.


- od svibnja 2001., zaposlena je kao znanstveni novak na Zavodu za hrvatsku povijest Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u statusu asistenta.


- rujan 2002. - veljača 2003. - provela na School of Southeast European Studies (University College London) kao "Croatian Teacher/Fellow”.


- 1. veljače 2006. godine izabrana je u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje docenta na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.


- od akademske godine 2006/2007. nositelj je obveznog predmeta "Hrvatska povijest u ranom novom vijeku" - po 'bolonjskom programu'.


- od studenog 2006. godine voditelj je Poslijediplomskog studija hrvatske povijesti na Odsjeku za povijest Fiozofskog fakulteta U Zagrebu.





Njezin specijalistički interes usmjeren je na hrvatsku povijest 16. i 17. stoljeća u širem regionalnom i imperijalnom kontekstu, povijest plemstva u ranom novom vijeku, posebice u srednjoeuropskom kontekstu, te na povijest vojnokrajiških sustava na tromeđi Habsburške Monarhije, Osmankog Carstva i Mletačke Republike  u 16. i 17. stoljeću.  




Born on April 28, 1973, in Čakovec.


- 1991.-1997. - studied Philosophy and History at the Faculty of Philosophy  (University of Zagreb). Graduated in  1997 with the topic  "Historical Circumstances of the Changing Status of the Artist and the Art in Central-Western Europe and Italy in the Second Half of the 16th Century."


- 1996.-1997. - attended post-graduate studies in history at the History Department of the Central European University in Budapest. In July 1997 defended an M.A. thesis titled "The Ascend of the Zrinski Family and Their Role in the Spread of Protestantism in the Second Half of the 16th Century."


- 1998.-2000. - attended post-graduate studies in history  at the Faculty of Phislosophy in Zagreb. In February 2000 graduated for a second time with the topic "The Zrinski Family in the Second Half of the 16th Century. Half a Century of the Croatian History from a Perspective of One Aristocratic Family." 


- 1998.-2004. - attended doctoral studies in history at the History Department of the Central European University in Budapest. In June 2004 defended a Ph.D. thesis titled "Diet in Bruck an der Mur (1578) and the Estates on the Croatian, Slavonian and Kanisian Military Border." Defending committee: Prof. Dr. Katalin Péter, Prof. Dr. Wendy Bracewell, Prof. Dr. Karl Kaser, Prof. Dr. Drago Roksandić (predsjednik: Prof. Dr. István Rév).



- from 1997, acts as an Academic Co-ordinator of the International research Project "Triplex Confinium" and maintains Triplex Confinium web-pages.


- from May 2001, works as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Croatian History (History Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb)


- September 2002 - February 2003 - Croatian Teacher Fellow at the School of Southeast European Studies (University College London).


 - from February 1, 2006, Associate Professor (Docent) at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. Teaches obligatory course in «Early Modern Croatian History» at the same Department.  


- from November 2006. director of Post-graduate Program in Croatian History at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb




In research terms, she is especially interested in early modern history, namely the Croatian history in early modern period  in wider regional and imperial framework, in the history of nobility, particularly in Central European context and in the history of the Military Border between the Habsburg Monarch, the Ottoman Empire and the Venetian Republic.  




Stipendije, Gostovanja / Scholarships, Fellowships



 Knjige / Books

Urednik / Editor

Znanstveni radovi / Scientific Articles


Stručni radovi / Articles

Prikazi i ocjene / Reviews


 KOnferencije, predavanja / Conferences, Lectures

Nastavne aktivnosti / Teaching Activities

September 2000 - December 2000 - Teaching Assistant in postgraduate courses at the CEU History Department.

From September 2001 - Teaching Assistant in courses held at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. Teaches the seminar titled “Everyday Life in the Early Modern Period in the 16th and 17th Centuries” within the obligatory course "Croatian history, 16th-18th centuries" led by Prof. Dr. Nenad Moačanin.

From Spetember 2003. teaches an optional course titled “Croatian-German Workshop. Introduction to the Gothic Palaeography” at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.

From September 2004 - teaches an optional course "Croatian and Slavonian Estates in 16th and 17th Centuries in Comparative Perspective" at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.

From September 2006 - teaches obligatory course "Early Modern Croatian History" at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.

Ostale aktivnosti / Remaining Activities


Under construction ...




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Triplex Confinum web pages are created and maintained by Nataša Štefanec