South-East Europe Textbook Network
States and Regions

International Summer School: The Balkans in Europe Georg Eckert Institute, Branschweig/Germany, 24.-30. September 2001

Within the framework of a Stability Pact project, the Georg Eckert Institute invites to a summer school on the topic "The Balkans in Europe" to take place on 24-30 September, 2001. It is intended for historians, history teachers and (future) history textbook authors from Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania and Yugoslavia.
In plenary and working group sessions, the about 20 participants will work on current questions related to the presentation of the Balkans and of Europe in textbooks. On the basis of a questionnaire that will be sent beforehand to the participants, the state-of-the-art of latest textbook presentations will be first assessed and compared at a regional level. Lectures on historical and methodological issues given by academic experts, working groups, and working in the Georg Eckert Institute's international textbook library, will then provide the ground for a conceptualisation of the summer school participants' ideas and views.
The aim is to

  1. reshape the quantitative balance between national, regional and European history in textbooks;
  2. define in the working groups crucial topics for interpreting the interrelations of the Balkans and Europe;
  3. develop concepts, how to present controversial issues of Balkan / European history in textbooks.
The Georg Eckert Institute is able to fund the expenses of about 15 participants from South-East Europe. Further participants are asked to bear their travel and accommodation expenses or to apply for financial support with other institutions.

Applications are to be sent until 30.06.2001 by email to:Heike Karge
or by Fax to: ++49 531 590 99 99

Draft Programme