Department for
German Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
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Course description: Working with Textbooks for German as... Print

Course: Working with Textbooks for German as Foreign Language

ECTS credits: 3

Language: German

Duration: one semester

Status: elective

Course type: 2 hours of seminar

Course description: The course aims at qualifying teachers of German as a foreign language to use textbooks in a foreign language classroom in a proper way. In order to understand the importance of textbooks in the process of foreign language acquisition, students are given the possibility to study and discuss current scientific research papers in this field of glottodidactics. On the other hand, they are also given the possibility to analyze and critically evaluate contemporary textbooks of German as a foreign language present on the Croatian market and used in diverse schools in Croatia.

Learning outcomes: Students will able to: examine, analyze and critically evaluate textbooks of German as a foreign language used in schools in Croatia, competently compare textbooks by applying scientific methods used for researching textbooks, develop their own exercises and design modules as a part of a lesson in a textbook.

Teaching methods: teaching through seminars and teacher-led demonstrations in the classroom, presentations, cooperative learning, classroom discussion, E-Learning (Omega and other learning platforms)

Literature: 1. von Brand, Tilman; Radvan, Florian (Hg.) (2019): Handbuch Lehr und Lernmittel für den Deutschunterricht, Hannover: Klett, Kallmeyer. (selected chapters). - 2. Rösler, Dietmar; Würffel, Nicola (2014): Lernmaterialien und Medien, dll 5, München: Klett-Langenscheidt. - 3. Fery, Renate und Raddatz, Volker (2000) Lehrwerke und ihre Alternativen, Peter Lang. - 4. Bimmel/Kast/Neuner (1997): Deutschunterricht planen. Arbeit mit Lehrwerkslektionen. München: Goethe-Institut. - 5. Blažević, Nevenka (2007) Grundlagen der Didaktik und Methodik des Unterrichts Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, Sveučilište Rijeka. (selected chapters). - 6. Storch, Günther (2001): Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine Didaktik. München: Fink, 2. izd. (selected chapters). - 7. Heyd, Gertraude (1990): Deutsch lehren. Grundwissen für den Unterricht in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Frankfurt/M.: Diesterweg (selected chapters). - 8. Fäcke, Christiane; Mehlmauer-Larcher, Barbara (Hg.) (2017): Fremdsprachliche Lehrmaterialien - Forschung, Analyse und Rezeption, Peter Lang Edition (selected chapters). - - Additional Literature: 9. Burwitz-Melzer, Eva; Mehlhorn, Grit; Riemer, Claudia; Bausch, Karl-Richard; Krumm, Hans-Jürgen (Hg.) (2016): Handbuch Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen: A. Francke. (selected chapters). - 10. Weigmann, Jürgen (1992): Unterrichtsmodelle für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. München: Hueber. - 11. Petravić, Ana (2016) Međukulturna kompetencija u nastavi stranih jezika. od teorijskih koncepata do primjene, Zagreb: Školska knjiga. - 12. Wicke, Rainer E. (1993): Aktive Schüler lernen besser. Klett. - 13. Textbooks according to students' choice. - 14. Funk, Hermann; Kuhn, Christina; Skiba, Dirk; Spanier-Weise, Dorothea; Wicke, Reiner E. (2017): Aufgaben, Übungen, Interaktion, dll 4, Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen.

Evaluation Methods and Grading: Class attendance, seminar paper or presentation, written and oral assignements during the semester.