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Croatica et Tyrolensia: bibliography guidelines

Bibliography repository on Bitbucket (clone with Mercurial).

By Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur (France, 1757-1810), Labrousse (France, Bordeaux, active late 18th century) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Croatian bibliography

Bibliography of Croatian neo-Latin is prepared as a set of TEI XML files along the FRBR lines. We gather information on:

We need to make each record citable, and to interconnect everything, relying on external standards wherever possible. Authors have unique IDs and links to authority files (VIAF, PND etc). Works have unique IDs as well (and manifestations have them too).


  1. ID
  2. number
  3. name 1: standard name from Croatian reference works, surname first
  4. name 2 etc: other variants of the name, in other languages as well
  5. birth, if known: place (geographically disambiguated with geonames), time (exact date, year, or other ways of dating)
  6. floruit: date of works or roughly (as documented, or a guess - 30 years old)
  7. death: same as birth
  8. residence or residences, with years of living there if known


  1. occupation 1: genres
  2. occupation 2: actual occupation (one or more of them)
  3. sources, if digital are available (Hrvatska enciklopedija), paste in full, else quote.
  4. events from biography
    1. @when etc: date of the event, as attribute (or date of document cited)
    2. head: type of event
    3. other people involved: persName + @ref
    4. other places involved: placeName + geonames number
    5. other texts involved: name + @ref (if they are listed in our bibliography)
    6. works are also events, if dated (short title, referring to the Works section)


  1. Sources for life (with ref / @target for primary and digitised sources)

See also instructions for adding records for authors from Jurić (in Croatian)


The work is a distinct intellectual or artistic creation.

In case of work containing other work, such as collections of poems, see this:

The solution provided regards that the containment happens at the Expression level, the signs. I.e., in a collection of poems, the final Expression is both, a representation of the collector’s work, and of the collected works. This does not make the collection work contain other work, nor is the Expression necessarily separable into the different contributions: If all poems are cut out, the collection is not properly expressed by the – potentially empty – rest.

(Martin Doerr, ICS-FORTH; Patrick LeBoeuf, Bibliothèque National de France, Modelling Intellectual Processes: The FRBR - CRM Harmonization)

Upute za ispunjavanje analitičkog formulara: ovdje.


<bibl xml:id="tolimeric01-c01">
   <author><ref target="tolimer01">Tolimerić, Ilija</ref></author>
   <title xml:lang="lat">Ad senatum populumque Spalatensem encomium</title>
   <title type="incipit" xml:lang="lat">Iam pridem mihi mens ardenti exaestuat igne </title>
   <date when="1530" precision="medium" cert="medium">c. 1530</date>
   <ref type="met">hexameter</ref>
   <note type="genus">latinski stihovi</note>
   <note type="genus">pohvalna pjesma</note>
   <note type="status">prijepis u rukopisu</note>
   <note type="status">objavljeno kritičko izdanje</note>
   <note type="status">digitalizirano - tekst</note>
   <note type="status">digitalizirano - rukopis (interno)</note>
   <relatedItem type="digitale">
     <ref type="croala" target="tolimer-i-laud">CroALa</ref>

Work with many units

Applicable for collections of poems, for works including letters of dedication and honorary epigrams, etc.

Here: an epic poem consisting of several books (cantos).

<biblStruct xml:id="benes01-c01-153x">
   <analytic xml:id="benes01-c01-153x.1">
     <title>Damiani Benessę De morte Christi liber primus</title>
     <title type="incipit">Funebres ritus solemni Ecclesia uoto</title>
                            <title>Damiani Benessę De morte Christi liber secundus</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Porticibus iuncti pariter gradiuntur in amplis: </title>
                            <title>Damiani Benessę liber tertius De morte Christi</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Hospitii sonuere fores coetusque subiuit, </title>
                            <title>Damiani Benessę De morte Christi liber quartus</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Atque ita post sacri primordia facta recentis, </title>
                            <title>Damiani Benessę liber quintus De morte Christi</title>
                            <title type="incipit">His dictis urgebat iter qua uoluitur amnis, </title>
                        <analytic ana="dio">
                            <title>Damiani Benessę De morte Christi liber sextus</title>
                            <title type="incipit">At procul hinc diuersa mouens agitabat et atra </title>
                            <title>De morte Christi liber septimus Damiani Benessę</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Pilatus stratis tepido sub uellere lanę </title>
                            <title>Damiani Benessę De morte Christi liber octavus</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Interea augebat commota Bethania fletum.</title>
                            <title>De morte Christi liber nonus Damiani Benessę</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Vt liber menbris euasit spiritus, Orco </title>
                            <title>De morte Christi liber decimus Damiani Benessę</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Continuo Marię hic inuisit tecta dolentis, </title>
       <ref target="benes01">Beneša, Damjan</ref>
     <title xml:lang="la">De morte Christi</title>
     <title xml:lang="hrv">Kristova smrt</title>
       <date from="1535" to="1539" period="">1535-39</date>
     <extent n="8500">8500 stihova</extent>
                        <note type="genus">latinski stihovi</note>
                        <note type="genus">epsko pjesništvo</note>
                        <note type="genus">ep</note>
                        <relatedItem type="ms">
                            <ref target="hr-dbk-zk-4">Dubrovnik, ZK 4</ref>
                        <relatedItem type="croala.typ">
                            <ref target="benesa-d-2006dmc">Rezar, Zagreb 2006</ref>
                        <relatedItem type="">
                            <ref target="benesa-d-dmc">CroALa, Zagreb 2012</ref>

Another example: a poetic work consisting of a dedicatory letter and the poem (epithalamium) proper; printed, with a later scholarly edition, with a digital edition.

<biblStruct xml:id="andm-c02-1502">
   <analytic xml:id="andm-c02-1502-epistula">
                                <ref target="and03">Andreis, Matej</ref>
     <title>Matthaeus Andronicus Tragurinus reverendissimo ac generosissimo domino Nicolao de Chiiak electo Chienadiensi perpetuam felicitatem.</title>
     <title type="incipit">Omnes cuiuscunque notae auctores, praesul reverendissime, quos hactenus videre contigit</title>
     <!-- dedicatee -->
     <ref type="croala.publika.adresat">
        <persName ref="croala.publika.csaky.miklos">Nicolaus de Chiiak</persName>
     <!-- genre -->
     <ref type="genus">latinska proza</ref>
     <ref type="genus">proza.pismo.posveta</ref>
   <!-- next unit: -->
   <analytic xml:id="andm-c02-1502-epithalamium">
                                <ref target="and03">Andreis, Matej</ref>
                            <title xml:lang="lat">Epithalamium Matthaei Andronici Tragurini in nuptias Vladislai invictissimi ac felicissimi Pannoniarum ac Boemiae regis et Annae Candaliae reginae serenissimae.</title>
                            <title type="incipit">Nondum intemptatas pubes irruperat undas</title>
                            <ref type="metrum">heksametar</ref>
                            <ref type="genus">latinska poezija</ref>
                            <ref type="genus">poezija.pjesma.epitalamij</ref>
                     <ref target="and03">Andreis, Matej</ref>
                        <title xml:lang="lat">Epithalamium Matthaei Andronici Tragurini in nuptias Vladislai
                        ... Pannoniarum ac Boemiae regis et Annae Candaliae reginae </title>
                        <title xml:lang="hrv">Epitalamij u čast svadbe kralja Vladislava... i Anne od Candale</title>
                            <date notAfter="1502-07-30" period="">30. srpnja 1502</date>
                            <pubPlace><placeName type="geonames" ref="3164603">Venetiis</placeName></pubPlace>
                                <persName ref="vitali.viaf12190963">Bernardinus Venetus de Vitalibus</persName>
                        <extent n="versus">451 stih (epitalamij)</extent>
                        <extent n="pp">2 stranice (posvetno pismo)</extent>
                        <extent n="verba">3143 riječi</extent>
                        <note type="genus">latinska proza</note>
                        <note type="genus">latinski stihovi</note>
                        <note type="genus">epitalamij</note>
                        <note type="genus">posvetno pismo</note>
                  <relatedItem type="croala.typ">
                     <ref target="andm1502">Venetiis 1502</ref>
                        <relatedItem type="croala.typ">
                     <ref>Leipzig 1933 (prir. <ref type="viaf" target="55125461">Ladislaus Juhász</ref>)</ref>
                        <relatedItem type="">
                     <ref target="andreis-m-epith">CroALa XML</ref>



Whole manuscript
Item or items in a manuscript


Older (before 1850), printed: monography

Adapted from the Hrvatski latinisti bibliography (NSK Zagreb).

  <author>Frankopan, Vuk</author>
  <title>Oratio ad serenissimum Carolum V. ... ac ad ... principes
  Romani imperii. Facta ex parte regnicolarum Croatiae per
  Vuolffgangum de Frangepanibus comitem etc. oratorem ipsius
  Croaciae, Augustae XXIIII Augusti anno 1530 habita ... </title>
     <add>Augustae Vindelicorum</add>
    <add>In officina Alexandri Weyssenhorn</add>
 <extent>(8) pag. ; 8o </extent>
<note>Reference: Kuczynski, pag. 77, nr. 861.</note>
<idno type="other">Xa * Jurić. Scriptores 
  * XI * Jurić. Scriptores</idno>
<relatedItem type="primjerak">
 <ref type="signatura">NSK Zagreb RIIF-8o-100</ref>
<relatedItem type="digitalizat-internet">
 <ref type="bsb"
      Oratio Ad Serenissimvm Carolvm V. Sacri Romani Imperij Caesarem inclytum: Ac ad Illustrissimos &amp;amp; potentissimos Principes: Romani Imperij facta ex parte Regnicola Croaciae
      <note> VukFrankopan hrvlat-internet neo-latin</note>


  1. monogr = monografija, jedinstvena publikacija (dio unutar nje bio bi analytic)
  2. pubPlace/add = na knjizi nije označeno mjesto izdavanja, već je dodano tijekom bibliografskog opisa; isto i date/add
  3. relatedItem = podaci o primjercima (signatura, naziv knjižnice) ili digitalizatima primjeraka (tip, internetska adresa ako postoji)
  4. relatedItem/ref: za digitalizate – @type = digitalizat-internet (digitalizat dostupan na internetu); @target = URL adresa (što postojanija i kraća, v. niže)
Older (before 1850), printed: analytic
<biblStruct type="externum">
  <author role="vertit"> 
    <ref target="grbic01">Matija Grbac</ref>
  <title>Erga kai emerai cum annotationibus</title>
  <ref type="viaf" target="9901063">Crespin, Jean</ref>
 <title>Ta sozomena ton palaiotaton poieton georgica ... </title>
   <add>s. n.</add>
 <extent>16o </extent>
      Inserta est interpretatio Latina M. Garbitii, i. e. Matija
      Grbac, operis Hesiodi Erga kai emerai cum annotationibus. -
      Graece et Latine. - Franolić, pag. 50.
  <idno type="other">Xb * Jurić. Scriptores</idno>


  1. biblStruct/@type = externum znači da je glavni autor djela stranac, tj. nije hrvatski latinist
  2. author/ref/@target = autor ima svoj ID broj u VIAFu, on se navodi kao vrijednost atributa @target
  3. “16o” je ovdje očito oznaka formata, pa nije sigurno da ulazi u extent
Recent printed

Sample record for a recent edition:

<bibl xml:id="benesa-d-2006dmc">
 <author><ref target="benes01">Beneša, Damjan</ref></author>
 <editor><ref target="rezar01">Rezar, Vladimir</ref></editor>
 <title xml:lang="lat"><ref target="benes01-c01-153x">De morte Christi</ref></title> 
   <publisher>Ex libris</publisher>
   <date when="2006">2006</date>

Sample record for a digital edition in CroALa:

<bibl xml:id="benesa-d-dmc">
  <author><ref target="benes01">Beneša, Damjan</ref></author>
  <editor><ref target="rezar01">Rezar, Vladimir</ref></editor>
  <editor><ref target="jovanovic01">Neven Jovanović</ref></editor>
  <title xml:lang="lat"><ref target="benes01-c01-153x">De morte Christi, versio electronica</ref></title>
  <publisher>Profil hrvatskog latinizma 
  (<orgName xml:lang="hrv">Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu</orgName>)
  <date when="2012">2012</date>
    <relatedItem type="internet">
      <ref type="croala" target="benesa-d-dmc">CroALa</ref>

See also: Creating a bibliographical record for texts in CroALa via XQuery




take just the part between ?id= and &dq=: Bb32Th4WAK0C — See also Uncle G/On common Google Books mistakes

use just the ID: archivfrslavis19berluoft

Tyrolean bibliography

The LBI database.

Occupations used in the LBI bibliography: Maec. Legen. Cet. Hum. Hist. Orat. Theo. Epist. Pol. Med. Poet. Nat. Dram. Geo. Iur. Phil. Litur. Biogr. Art. Mus. Dial. Epigr. Arch. Gramm. Enzy. LitWi.





XML and version control:

Authority files:

Digitised texts:
