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Izbori za novo predsjedništvo KSPUFF-a


Transcultural Nova – Erasmus Exchange Student Exhibition / Greta Gallery, Ilica 92 / 27 January 2014 – 31 January 2014

Transcultural Nova – Erasmus Exchange Student Exhibition 
Greta Gallery, Ilica 92 
27 January 2014 – 31 January 2014


Exhibition opening on Monday 27 January 2014 at 19:00!

kspuff.exhibition.transcultural.nova.poster.teoESN Zagreb and Art History Student’s Association of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (KSPUFF) are cordially inviting you to join us at the opening of the exhibition of six young artists: Marie-Clare Duncan (Ireland), Nathan Jokovich (Australia), Marina Tello Colado (Spain), Lune Hillairet (France), Ewa Fellmann (Poland) and John Castro (Spain). The exhibition is conceived as an interaction of curators and young artists, who work in diverse media, for the purpose of mutual exchange of knowledge and experience. It is an examination of how their study period in Zagreb has influenced the development of their artistic expression. In this case, curators Marijana Jurčević, Bartol Fabijanić and Kora Girin are referring to the artist as a nova, “a star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then gradually returns to its original brightness over a period of weeks to years”, giving them opportunity to expose art works that in some way reflect their study visit, artistic knowledge, personal impression and inspiration drawn from Croatia. The main goals that ESN Zagreb and KSPUFF are promoting with this exhibition are international cultural and educational cooperation, diversity of artistic expression and intercultural dialogue.

Exhibtion coordinators: Ljerka Kujundžić and Ines Ivić

You can visit the exhibition from Tuesday to Friday from 17:00 to 20:00.

See you at the exhibition opening on Monday 27 January 2014 at 19:00!

Collaborative Artist Networks: Germany – Croatia // Jacobs University, Bremen, February 1, 2014 – January 31, 2016 // A Research MA in Art History

Jacobs University, Bremen, February 1, 2014 – January 31, 2016

Application deadline: Jan 31, 2014

1 Position for a Research MA in Art History:

“Collaborative Artist Networks: Germany – Croatia”

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Jacobs University Bremen invites applications for

A Research MA in Art History (f/m)

The successful candidate will conduct her/his own MA research project under supervision and as part of the team of the DAAD-funded research project “Collaborative Artist Networks: Germany – Croatia”. This is a non-stipendiary position which comes with research funding for original research to be conducted in Croatia.

The successful applicant will hold a Bachelor’s degree in art history with a focus on 20th-century European art. S/he will have an interest in artist networks and be responsible, self-motivated, and enjoy working in an international academic team. In addition to excellent writing and presentation skills, organization and management skills and experience in project management are essential. Understanding of information and communication technologies will be an additional plus.

Fluency in English and German and good working knowledge of a third language is expected. Knowledge of the Croatian language would be an additional advantage.

The research project runs for 24 months and the successful candidate is expected to complete her/his MA degree within this period. The anticipated starting date at Jacobs University is February 1 or March 1, 2014.

Applications should include a cover letter, CV, copies of certificates and diplomas, writing sample, and two references. Please send your application documents (copies only) by January 31, 2014 to

Prof. Dr. Isabel Wünsche

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Jacobs University

Campus Ring 1, Research IV

28759 Bremen

Jacobs University is an equal opportunity employer and is certified “Family Friendly” by the Hertie Foundation. For further information on Jacobs University see

Volontiranje / Noć Muzeja / MUO / 31.01.2014.


Noć muzeja 2014.

Dragi pumovci i oni koji se tako osjećaju,

Imali smo najbolje namjere uveseliti vas na početku ove godine ponudom za zaraditi koju kunu više,  ali nažalost  uplela se viša sila (zabrana zapošljavanja preko ugovora u gradskim institucijama).Nadamo se da će netko vrlo brzo shvatiti da novac koji studenti zarade preko student servisa nije velika crna rupa u kojoj nestaje gradski novac. Dok čekamo povoljnije vijesti, možete se prijaviti za volontiranje na Noći muzeja u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt. Svi zainteresirani neka se što prije jave na e-mail gospođi Malini Zuccon Martić ( koja će vam dati više informacija o volontiranju.

Budite vrijedni i marljivi jer ubrzo vam spremamo još dobrih vijesti!




Mentorstvo brucoša


Poziv članovima za rad u web sekciji KSPUFF-a

Pozivamo sve studente s malo dobre volje i željom da se okušaju u pisanju članaka za novu web stranicu kluba studenata  Za početak smo osmislili nekoliko stalnih rubrika za koje se nadamo da će s vremenom postati brojnije.


Zagreb ima više od 60 izložbenih galerija i muzeja. Hrvatska broji 221 muzej. Europa broji skoro 30 000. Posjetili ste neki od tih muzeja? Pogledali ste zanimljivu izložbu? Što vas je oduševilo? Ili vas u potpunosti razočaralo? Ne sviđa vam se postav nekog muzeja? Ili smatrate da  knjiga koju vam je profesor zadao za seminar nije relevanta? Pročitali ste nešto što bi pomoglo vašim kolegama u učenju? Znate za neku radionicu ili projekt koji želite predstaviti drugima? Predložite sami temu. Sada napokon imate mjesto izreći svoje mišljenje.

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