4Th Agreement Quotes


The 4th agreement, as outlined in the best-selling book “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz, is to “always do your best”. This agreement is all about living your life to the fullest, without any regrets or doubts. It`s about giving your all in everything you do, whether it`s in your personal or professional life. And just like the other three agreements, this one too has inspired some truly profound and thought-provoking quotes.

Here are some of the best 4th agreement quotes:

1. “Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.” – Don Miguel Ruiz

This quote is a reminder that our best is not a fixed standard. It can change based on our circumstances and that`s okay. The important thing is not to judge ourselves when our best isn`t meeting our expectations, but to keep striving to do better.

2. “To be impeccable with your word is the first agreement, to always do your best is the fourth. The fourth amplifies the first three, and the first three support the fourth.” – Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

This quote highlights how the fourth agreement is integral to the other three agreements – being impeccable with your word, not taking things personally, and not making assumptions. Doing your best reinforces the importance of these agreements and helps to make them a part of your daily life.

3. “We`re always doing the best we can with what we`ve got. And it`s okay if today`s best doesn`t match up to yesterday`s or tomorrow`s. All that matters is that we keep striving to be better.” – Jen Sincero

This quote emphasizes that it`s not about being perfect, but about making progress. Our best is going to vary from day to day, but as long as we`re putting in effort and trying to improve, that`s what counts.

4. “Your best is whatever you`re capable of in this moment. It may not be what you were capable of yesterday or what you will be capable of tomorrow, but that`s all that matters.” – Unknown

This quote underscores the importance of living in the moment and not getting too caught up in the past or future. Our best is what we`re capable of right now, and that`s all we can ask of ourselves.

In conclusion, the 4th agreement is all about doing your best and living life to the fullest. These quotes offer powerful insights into how we can apply this agreement to our daily lives. Whether we`re striving for personal growth or professional success, we can all benefit from incorporating these quotes into our mindset and approach to life.