Dr. sc. Tetyana Fuderer, red. prof.


dr. sc. Tetyana Fuderer, red. prof.

e-mail: tfuderer@ffzg.hr

consultations: ponedjeljak, 15:30-16:30, putem e-maila, Zoom (uz prethodni dogovor)

phone: 01/4092-121

office:  B-223

Tetyana Fuderer, PhD., Full Professor at the Department of East Slavic Languages and Literatures, Chair of Ukrainian Language and Literature. She was born in 1979 in Ukraine. In 2002 she graduated in the Ukrainian Language and Literature and the Russian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. In 2009 she gained her PhD on Sociolinguistic Phenomenon of Surzhyk. She started working at the Department of East Slavic Languages and Literatures in 2002. Her scientific interests include sociolinguistic situation in Ukraine and surzhyk, Ukrainian, Russian and Croatian grammatical parallels, orthography, translatology.

She gives the following courses: Syntax of the Ukrainian language 1 and 2 (3rd year students), Lexicology and Phraseology (3rd year students), Stylistics of the Ukrainian language (4th year students) – for BA students and Functional styles and translation, Literary Translation – for MA students.

She is the author of two scientific monographies: Linguistic Stratification of the Contemporary Ukrainian Society (2013) and The Ukrainian Language as a Value: a Generation Aspect (2020).


Dr. sc. Tetyana Fuderer, red. prof.


CROSBI: https://www.bib.irb.hr/pretraga?operators=and|Fuderer,%20Tetyana%20%2822481%29|text|profile


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3288-909X