Thucydides, three phrases from book 1

Here are some sketches for alignment exercises. The exercises are based on ναῦς, as the most frequent noun in the first book of Thucydides. First two exercises introduce different translations of the same phrase; in the third, the student had to align text with its translation on his own; in the fourth exercise, the student had to align all occurrences of ναῦς with their translations.

Homer, Iliad 2, 299-300

Source: Kunić, Rajmund (1719-1794) [1776]: Оperis ratio (Ilias Latinis versibus expressa), versio electronica, ed. Petra Šoštarić (CroALa)

The Greek text (source: Perseus):

τλῆτε φίλοι, καὶ μείνατ' ἐπὶ χρόνον ὄφρα δαῶμεν
ἢ ἐτεὸν Κάλχας μαντεύεται ἦε καὶ οὐκί.

Literal Latin translation, by Samuel Clarke (“INTERPRETATIO TOTIDEM VERBIS… Haec descripsi ex interpretatione Samuelis Clarkii, quam ipse, in operis praefatione, ait, esse, non elegantem nec venustam, sed ita confectam, ut verbis verba, singulis singula respondeant, Graecis Latina.”) — aligned with Greek here

Tolerate, amici, et manete aliquandiu; ut sciamus
An verum Calchas vaticinetur, an et non.

Cicero's translation (“INTERPRETATIO M. TULLII”) — aligned with Greek here

Ferte viri, et duros animo tolerate labores;
Auguris ut nostri Calchantis fata queamus
Scire, ratos ne habeant, an vanos pectoris orsus:

Translation by Kunić (“MEA INTERPRETATIO”) — aligned with Greek here

O socii, durate, atque heic subsistite paullum,
Ipsa dum pateat re tandem, verane Calchas
Vaticinans, an falsa canat. res cognita cunctis,

Translation by Eobanus Hessus (“HESSI INTERPRETATIO”) — aligned with Greek here

Quare agite, o socii, reliquum durate, brevesque
Temporis expectate moras, dum scire queamus,
Verane vaticinans praedixerit omnia Calchas,

Croatian translation by Tomo Maretić (1883; digital version as a PhiloLogic database here) — aligned with Greek here

Strp'te se, dragi, i drž'te još malo, pa ćemo vidjet,
Da li nam pravo vrač il' nepravo proriče Kalhas.

English translation by Robert Fitzgerald (1974) — aligned with Greek here

Hold on hard, dear friends!
Come, sweat it out, until at least we learn
if Kalkhas made true prophecy or not.

First results

We want to automatically compare XMLs of aligned text and different translations, using XQuery and BaseX (locally).

First result — how was the first word (τλῆτε) translated?

<w>1-1 = Tolerate,</w>
<w>1-1 = Ferte</w>
<w>1-3 = durate,</w>
<w>1-1 1-2 1-3 = Hold on hard,</w>
<w>1-6 = durate,</w>
<w>1-1 1-2 = Strp'te se,</w>

This XQuery was used: align3.xq (Unicode-encoded, in case you don't see the τλῆτε).

n/homerus-alignment.txt · Last modified: 15. 08. 2013. 22:39 by njovanov
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