POZIV NA GOSTUJUĆA PREDAVANJA Prof. Célia Sousa Vieira, Instituto Universitario da Maia, Portugal


Prof. Célia Sousa Vieira, Instituto Universitario da Maia, Portugal

  • “Authors responding to literature: the auto-reflexive dimension of the literary construction”, u četvrtak, 7. prosinca 2017. u 11 sati u dvorani D-V
  • “Artistic magazines as an intermediality product: Bandarra (Porto, 1953-1961)”, u petak, 8. prosinca 2017. u 12.30 sati u dvorani D-V.

Célia Sousa Vieira profesorica je komparativne književnosti, portugalske književnosti i intermedijskih studija na Instituto Universitario da Maia u Portugalu.

Sažeci predavanja:

“Authors responding to literature: the auto-reflexive dimension of the literary construction”: This lecture aims at the analysis of a literature site that congregates various subsites of contemporaneous Oporto writers, allowing the concentration of one´s active and passive bibliography, reviews about his work, photo biography, images of his literary creations, as well as an exclusive interview, where the writer introduces a reflection about his literary work, all in one on-line application (www.paginaliterariadoporto.com<http://www.paginaliterariadoporto.com/> ). Still, one of the focuses of this project was centered in the analysis of the auto-reflexive dimension of the literary construction, by means of gathering and analysis of testimonies that grant a patent of the creator&#8217;s critic conscience about his own work and about the contemporaneous creation. On the other side, the concentration of diverse fonts (verbal, photographic, graphic, audiovisual) on an hypermedia support has lead to an enlarged reflection about the implications that digital communication have in the knowledge, creation and circulation of literature.

“Artistic magazines as an intermediality product: Bandarra (Porto, 1953-1961)”

The intermedial approach to old media has redefined the concept of media by considering its intersemiotic nature (Muller, 2000). In this lecture, we propose to analyze a literary and artistic magazine, published in Portugal, between 1953 and 1961, the magazine Bandarra, trying to detect the hybrid and intermedial nature of this old media. We certainly place ourselves in an archaeology of intermediality, contributing to reconstruct the traces of a practice, that of the literary magazine, which for centuries has maintained a remarkable permanence in Western culture. In this way, we will seek in particular to systematize tools of methodological analysis that can be useful in the study of this medium.

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