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Crijević Tuberon, Ludovik (1458-1527) [1522], Commentarii de temporibus suis, versio electronica (), Verborum 118743; librorum 11, capitum 165, Ed. Vladimir Rezar [genre: prosa oratio - historia] [word count] [tuberocomm].
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ab Hungaris exceptum amisisset, metu insidiarum Taurunum confestim rediit, aliquot e suis partim captis, partim caesis. Nam Syrmienses, timore hostium abutentes, nouissimum agmen adorti terribilem tumultum intulerant. Paucis post diebus Balys, ratus sua e Syrmio fuga securitatem Transistranis Hungaris iniectam esse, maioribus copiis comparatis per Danubium gelu concretum sine ullis nauibus in regionem Daciae Tauruno obiectam transmisit, atque inde superato Thibisco amne, et ipso glacie astricto, fines Baciensis regionis inuasit, ibique aliquot uicis depopulatis raptim se Taurunum recępit. Magnam uim pecorum abactam, hominum ad mille et trecentos captos esse ferunt. Haud tamen sine detrimento Turca domum reuersus est, quippe praeter mille ferme equos ui frigoris absumptos, et aliquot e suis desyderauit, 347 et ipse a quibusdam Hungaris uiam obsidentibus pilula e paruo tormento excussa uulneratus est.

τέλος [1] Notae

Note (foot) return to page* inscriptiones: Ludouici Tuberonis Dalmatae abbatis Commentariorum de temporibus suis (liber primus) MAK : Ludovici Tuberonis Dalmatae abbatis Commentariorum de rebus, quae temporibus eius in illa Europae parte, quam Pannonii et Turcae eorumque finitimi incolunt, gestae sunt libri undecim (breuius Ludouici Tuberonis Dalmatae abbatis Commentariorum de temporibus suis liber primus) gg1 : Ludovici Tuberonis Patritii Ragusini de Cerua, et abbatis Melitensis Ordinis S. Benedicti Commentariorum de Temporibus suis (liber primus) Z: Ludovici Tuberonis Patritii Ragusini, et abbatis Congregationis Melitensis Commentariorum de temporibus suis (liber primus) Z1 : Ludovici Cervarii Tuberonis patritii Rhacusini et abbatis Congregationis Melitensis Commentaria suorum temporum (liber primus) r

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Note (foot) return to page* maxime KZ: maxima M

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Note (foot) return to page** afficta K: affincta MZ

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Note (foot) return to page* illiberali calliditate KZ: atramento corrupt. M

Note (foot) return to page* milites scribi K: atramento corrupt. M

Note (foot) return to page* fere maximus Zg: maximus fere MK

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Note (foot) return to page* post appellant exp. Slauenos autem a Slauo eorum rege dictos ex Rhaxolanis hystoriis satis constat M: deest in AKZZ1 gg1 r

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Note (foot) return to page* abhorret KZg: abhorrent M

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Note (foot) return to page** homo non K: atramento corrupt. M

Note (foot) return to page* uirtuti inuident K: atramento corrupt. M

Note (foot) return to page** quidem suppleui

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Note (foot) return to page* incertum an hic et duobus sequentibus locis auctor, aut alius quidam, hoc nomen e Vuladislauus in Ladislauus (alias semper Vuladislauus) corrigere uoluerit M: Vuladislauus usque ad hunc locum, hinc plerisque in locis Ladislaus K: V(u)ladislauus his aliquot locis (ut M), alias fere semper Vuladislauus Z: Ladislaus his tribus locis, alias semper Wladislauus g

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Note (foot) return to page* causam (post praesulatus) suppl. g: causam (post solum modo) suppl. KZ

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Note (foot) return to page* regiones KZ: regionis M

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Note (foot) return to page* uolebant KZ: uolebant in nolebant mutat. M: nolebant g

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Note (foot) return to page** caeterum (supra uerum scriptum) M: uerum g: caeterum KZ

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Note (foot) return to page* prouincia Kg: prouinciae M

Note (foot) return to page** penes Kg: pene M

Note (foot) return to page* fecisset Kg: fecisse M

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Note (foot) return to page* in septentrionem uersae Zg: in septentrione uersae M: in septentrionem uersus K

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Note (foot) return to page* missus Zg: missu MK

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Note (foot) return to page* animi KZg: animum M

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Note (foot) return to page* enim est KZg: est enim M

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Note (foot) return to page * natura Z: naturae Mg: ab quare quoquo usque ad Vuladislaus Danubio deest in K

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Note (foot) return to page* malens (e mallens emend.) K: mallens M

Note (foot) return to page* et KZg: ac M

Note (foot) return to page* Drilonem MKZgr: forsan Drinum scribendum

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Note (foot) return to page* post Alberthus exp. ubi perspexit Casouiam praesidio satis firmo, murisque, ac fossis munitam, haud quidam posse expugnari, oppidanorum praesertim animis, non modo a timore iam receptis, sed etiam leuis armaturae praesidio ad repugnandum paratis M: deest in AKg: habent Zr

Note (foot) return to page* praeda KZg: praedae M

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Note (foot) return to page* Lanzceneios (incerta emendatione corrupt.) M: Lanczknechtos K: Laxcenuhos Z: Lanscnectos g

Note (foot) return to page** arx KZ: ars M

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Note (foot) return to page* omne K: omnem M

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Note (foot) return to page* illicerentur KZ: illiceretur M: allicerentur g

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Note (foot) return to page** consequantur KZ: consequatur M: consequuntur g

Note (foot) return to page*** impulsi KZg: impulsa M

Note (foot) return to page**** fracto obluctantur Kg: facto obluctatur M: obluctantur Z

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Note (foot) return to page* iri (ex ire emend.) K: ire MZ

Note (foot) return to page** desperato KZ: desperata M

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Note (foot) return to page* facilis KZg: facilem M

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Note (foot) return to page* scalptor MZ: sculptor K

Note (foot) return to page** praedium castello Kg: praeditum castellum Z: predictum castellum Z [1] [2] : praeditum castello M

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Note (foot) return to page* auferretur Zg: auferretur (ex auferetur emend.) K: aufereretur M

Note (foot) return to page** post posuit exp. nunc uero armis coacta partim in societate Polonorum, atque Moschouiorum manet, partim suae gentis regibus paret M: deest in Kg: habent AZr

Note (foot) return to page*** quemque Kg: quemquem M

Note (foot) return to page* umbone equestris scuti (e sicuti emend.) K: umbone equestris scuti Z: umbone equestri scuti (e sicuti emend.) M:

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Note (foot) return to page** infamia KZ: fama A: iniuria g: atramento corrupt. M

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Note (foot) return to page* cum pudicitia K: atramento corrupt. M

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Note (foot) return to page** quos KZg: quas M

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Note (foot) return to page* nactum KZg: nactus M

Note (foot) return to page** ingenio suppl. KZg

Note (foot) return to page* iam enim Hungaris Kg: iam in Hungaris Z: iam enim Hungaros M

Note (foot) return to page** progressos KZ: progressus M: progressis g

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Note (foot) return to page*** magni KZ: magno M: a neque Hungarorum usque ad Hungarorum imperium deest in g

Note (foot) return to page* lacessendo KZ: lacessendos M

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Note (foot) return to page** aggere K: agere MZ

Note (foot) return to page*** quae AKZ: incertum quae an qua scriptum M

Note (foot) return to page**** poterant K: poterat M

Note (foot) return to page***** malens (e mallens emend) K: mallens M

Note (foot) return to page* uacuas M: uacuos AK

Note (foot) return to page** quo moram ac dilationem K: quo mora ac dilatione Mg: qua mora ac dilatione Z

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Note (foot) return to page* minus KZ: minusque M

Note (foot) return to page* quidem suppl. g: deest in MKZr

Note (foot) return to page** exhausta K: exausta M

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Note (foot) return to page* essent KZ: esset M

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Note (foot) return to page* communibus KZ: communisque M

Note (foot) return to page** pacato (ex pacati emend.) K: pacati MZ

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Note (foot) return to page* turpitudinem KZg: fortitudinem MA

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Note (foot) return to page* post foret exp. quippe ocium sicut in priuato, modo sit honestum, haud uituperandum, ita in principe ignauiae proximum, belloque assuetis ualde ingratum; ad haec quod delinquentium peccata eius socordia impunita essent, maximamque ob id infamiam subibat, tum quod ultimam fere pecuniae inopiam pateretur, quae res uel maxime principes multitudini uiles facit M: deest in g: habent AKZr

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Note (foot) return to page* pugna KZ: pugnam M

Note (foot) return to page* alias esset in marg.: est in textu M: est Kg: sit Z

Note (foot) return to page** post incitante exp. caeterum Deo abnuente nihil posse agi humanis consiliis aduersus reges, quum saepe alias, tum eo tempore maxime declaratum est M: deest in Kg: habent AZr

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Note (foot) return to page* post traditur exp. aut uetustate excidit M: deest in Kg: habent AZr

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Note (foot) return to page* post Sauum exp. metu Bulgarorum M: deest in Kg: habent AZr

Note (foot) return to page* post regionem exp. Posternam nunc appellatam, et quidquid inde recta ad occidentem solem editioris loci erat M: habent AKZgr

Note (foot) return to page* fidesque K: fides Mg

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Note (foot) return to page* latrocinia KZ: latrociniam M

Note (foot) return to page* post potiti app. ed. Crau. (sumpta de opere De origine et incremento urbis Rhacusanae): opera inprimis quorundam mercatorum, ac nauticorum Diocleatium, qui e lacu Lignistri, ad quem Dioclea sita erat, per Drilonem amnem, is ad Olchinium in mare euoluitur, incolae Boianam uocant, fruges uenales mercede conuehere soliti erant, eoque commercio cum Rhacusano populo hospitalitatem inierant. Hunc autem in modum Diocleates Rhacusanis operam tunc nauarunt. Importauerant Diocleates naui Rhacusam, inter alias fruges, aliquot uini amphoras, appetente festo die, quem Christiani sacrosanctam resurrectionem appellant, quo sane solenni lustrari solent religiosi uiri, et quidquid piaculo dignum per totum annum admiserint, ritu Christiano expiare. Hoc eodem die Slauini, caeterorum more barbarorum, non tam sacris precationibus, quam epulis ac largiore uino uti solebant. Diocleates animaduertentes, Rhacusanos ita Slauinis obsidione pressos, ut neque appellentibus nauibus in portum Rhacusanum tutus aditus esset, neque inde soluentibus profectio libera pateret

Note (foot) return to page ** post uidebatur app. ed. Crau.: Itaque adeunt praetorem Rhacusanum, ostendunt se inuenisse uiam Rhacusanae obsidionis soluendae. Communicato consilio, modoque agendae rei composito, collaudantur Diocleates, praemiorumque spe, pro fortuna, quae tunc erat ciuitatis, onerati, promissi fidem praestare maturant, tempori insidiandum rati. Tuto igitur aditu impetrato, uinum Slauinis leui pretio de industria addicunt: quos ubi cibo uinoque grauatos, nullamque pro castris stationem hosti obiectam Diocleates conspiciunt, nempe eo die et Rhacusanos epulis uinoque indulgere credebant, signum quod conuenerat Rhacusanis edunt; qui impetu in castra Slauinorum facto eo momento capiunt inermes, uinoque graues partim trucidant, partim uinctos in urbem suam pertrahunt, atque ita obsidionis bellique Slauinici finis impositus, Diocleates uero, hoc merito in ciuitatem recepti, atque in patricios adsciti. Tradunt autem hos Malascouios et Gredeos fuisse, quorum alteri iam paene extincti sunt, alteri diuitiis et auctoritate inter suos adhuc florent.

Note (foot) return to page102

Note (foot) return to page * post accaepta app. ed. Crau.: Sunt enim auctores, qui tradunt, Seuropylum non omnino orbum liberis decessisse; sed filiam sibi superstitem reliquisse, quanquam multis ante annis primi Uni, mox Veri, Magete duce, Dalmatiam de Romanis, deletis Salonis, ceperunt, suoque regno adiecerunt.

Note (foot) return to page** post habita app. ed. Crau.:

Caeterum ciuitas, Venetorum imperio liberata, parum abfuit, quin haud multo post, quorundam adolescentium leuitate animi, et, egestate, ut fit, uenalium, proditione, diriperetur; quos quidem nominatim tradere, familiae dignitas, in qua nati sunt, prohibet. Tulit enim ea domus uiros plures singulari facundia praeditos, patriae studiosos, multisque muneribus ciuilibus claros. Hi igitur iuuenes, a quodam regulo Bossinate, urbi Rhacusae uicino, pecunia corrupti ac promissis ingentibus inducti, adscitis sibi quibusdam etiam e plebe hominibus, constituerant clam nocte in urbem Bossinatem armatum accipere. Bossinas, cui ad inuadendam urbem festinanti, omnis cunctatio ob praedae cupiditatem longa esse uidebatur; ratus, incaepta a coniuratis siue poenitentia facinoris omitti, siue socordia animi differri: dat literas ad coniuratos cuidam agresti, quibus adhortatur ipsos coniuratos, uti promissa mature praestare curarent, se cum exercitu ad urbem, constituto die, praesto affuturum. Literae, dum parum caute ab agresti consciis redduntur, interceptae, proditionem manifestam fecerunt. Itaque coniurati deprehensi, quaestione habita conuicti, meritas patriae poenas dedere; omnibus, qui sanguine eos contingebant, non modo huiusce poena laetis, sed etiam supplicii paene exactoribus. Ferunt enim quendam, cuius fratris filius coniurationis damnatus erat, purpurea ueste indutum in foro inambulasse, dum de coniuratis poena caperetur.

Iisdem fere temporibus, ager Epidaurius, addita Vitalia, et tota regione, quae ab aquae ductu lingua Epidauria Canalis appellatur, post sexingentos circiter annos ab excidio Epidauri, pretio quibusdam accolis regulis Bossinatibus soluto, recuperatus est, uiritimque inter ciues, magna ueterum possessorum inuidia atque contentione, diuisus. Quod autem Canalensis ager territorii Epidaurii fuerit, argumento est opus mirabili structura effectum, quo a uigesimo prope milliario aqua in urbem perducta est, partim subterraneo riuo, partim substructione, partim opere arcuato. Cuius quidem operis a Slauinis procul dubio euersi adhuc extant uestigia, atque quibusdam in locis inscriptiones latinis literis nomina curatorum indicantes. Per idem quoque tempus Sigismundus Augustus, Hungarorum ac Boemorum rex, Phariam, quam quidem Lesinam, ut dictum est, uocant, Braciam, et Corcyram nigram, insulas habitatoribus satis frequentes, singulari benignitate in Rhacusanos usus, ditioni Rhacusanae adiunxit. Iam coeperant Rhacusani praetores mittere, qui insulanis ius dicerent: quos cum uiderent, Pharenses praesertim, regendis populis minime idoneos, utpote iuris dicundi literarum inscitia imperitos ― Rhacusani enim soli paene mercaturae per ea tempora dediti erant, pauci admodum literis, quae nunc quoque perrarae sunt Rhacusae, dabant operam ― ad hoc, quum audirent, Canalensem agrum, inique, et per summam iniuriam ueteribus possessoribus ereptum, adeo consternati sunt, ut, ni saniori auxilio uis prohibita esset, praetores urbium uiolati fuissent. Itaque confestim consilium ceperunt, sese in regiam potestatem restituendi, adiutore in primis Iaxia quodam, ex Naresiis principibus. Erat Iaxias et per se Rhacusinis infensus, ut est inter plerosque uicinos ex aemulatione odium. Itaque profectus in Hungariam adit Barbaram, Sigismundi uxorem, cui se cordi esse haud quaquam ignorabat: erat enim et ipse ex aulicis Augusti, florentique aetate, ac forma corporis eximia, et regina feminarum uitia, uergens etiam annis, non exuerat.

Itaque compositis criminibus in Rhacusanos, persuadet reginae, ut cum Imperatore agat, ut insulae Rhacusanis nuper attributae, liberae sub Caesaris imperio de caetero essent; ne Rhacusanorum simul regendi inscitia, simul tyrannide, perditum eant. Sigismundus, uxoris oratione inductus, dat Iaxiae Narisio literas ad Rhacusanos, quibus iubebat eos insulis excedere, atque a potestate Rhacusanorum omnino exemptas Iaxiae tradi; Rhacusanis oratoribus apud Caesarem necquidquam nitentibus, ne insulae, fidelibus sociis, falsis Iaxiae criminibus, adimerentur. Sed crimen ualuit eo maxime, quod Rhatanei Canalensisque agri diuisio, eiectis ueteribus colonis, parum purgata esset; cum insulani, alienae cladis exemplum, metumque, qui non uanus esse uidebatur, in suam defensionem contulissent. Itaque, licet Rhacusanorum studium et fides erga regem omnibus satis nota essent; cupiditas tamen alieni agri causam eorum euertit. Nempe Rhacusani non modo imperium insularum quaerebant, sed etiam priuatas possessiones, prauo consilio inito, sibi uendicare conabantur, mercaturae consuetudine, proprium magis, quam publicum emolumentum sequentes.

Note (foot) return to page* fere tota Europa Z: fere (exp. tota) Europa M: fere Europa AKg

Note (foot) return to page** stipendia g: stipendium K: stipendio M

Note (foot) return to page103

Note (foot) return to page*** ab exculta usque ad nondum Danubium deest in K

Note (foot) return to page**** post susceptis app. ed. Crau.: ac optimo quoque, et in primis Iuliano Bono, Marioque Restio dissentientibus

Note (foot) return to page***** post pertinaciter app. ed. Crau.: per summam etiam temeritatem

Note (foot) return to page¤ post auri app. ed. Crau.: in externos milites, ultimum paene in discrimen, tum ab suis militibus, tum ab hoste, libertatis amittendae deuenerint. Nam conducti ab Italia milites, uidentes Rhacusanos imbelles esse, et praedae expositos, consilium inierunt, ut urbem prius direptam, alienae subiicerent potestati. Quae coniuratio, cum per quosdam ciues, qui senserant id agi, annuntiata esset Rhacusano senatui: in re trepida ciuitati non defuit consilium. Nempe milites scelesti consilii participes, per speciem expeditionis extra urbem ablegatos, posthac urbem ingredi non permiserunt. Itaque urbs incolumis ab intestino hoste conseruata. Verum fugatis mox ab externo hoste Rhacusanis copiis...

Note (foot) return to page¤¤ ab erat usque ad nondum Danubium lectio ed. Crau.: patri, ob ereptam sibi ab ipso patre sponsam, ualde infensus: quem cum Rhacusani male animatum in parentem animaduerterent, hac occasione aegrum animi clam adeunt, hortantur, ne incestum patris in se admissum, et tam insignem iniuriam inultam esse patiatur, suam operam aduersus communem inimicum, et foeda libidine pollutum, pollicentur; tandem spe pecuniae illecto, persuadent, uti a parente ad Turcas desciscat, patremque Turcarum incursionibus uexet. Ad haec, ne belli quidem iure seruato, licitati sunt hostis caput, pecunia percussori promissa. Nec altera parte Stephanus destitit externis auxiliis Rhacusanos oppugnare: pactus est enim cum Venetis, ut expugnata Venetorum ope urbe Rhacusa, praeda rerum omnium Stephano, urbs uero Venetis cederet. Quod ubi sensere Rhacusani, misso Romam quodam monacho Basilio, qui postea, ob hanc operam strenue nauatam, Tribuliensium praesul creatus est, deferunt ad Nicolaum V. Romanum Pontificem querelam: Venetos impietatis in Christianum nomen accusant, rogantque Pontificem, ut ipsos Venetos, a Stephani Cosacii, schismatici hominis, societate, et Rhacusanae urbis oppugnatione, arceat. Pontifex literas extemplo ad Venetos conscribit, hisque rebus diuinis interdicit, si ullum auxilii genus aduersus Rhacusanos Bossinati homini praestitissent. Atque ita Veneti, metu Pontificiae censurae, quieuere; sed nec quies Venetorum belli finem fecit. Nam filius Stephani, quem a patre defecisse demonstrauimus, ita inimico animo regiones ad patris imperium spectantes, Turcica manu sibi adiuncta, deuastando peruagatus est, ut hoc in primis certamen, Turcis aditum in Dalmatiam aperuerit, et Cosaciam familiam extinxerit, Rhacusanamque ciuitatem, non modo tributariam fecerit, sed etiam in Turcicam seruitutem paene redegerit. Nimirum, ita plerumque usu uenire solet, ut, qui hostem alienis armis uincere nititur, iisdem se ipse superetur; nec multo leuius uictori, quam uicto accidat. Quod quidem patrum nostrorum aetate, Illyricis, Thracibus, Macedonibus, et Graecis, his uero temporibus Italis euenit. Quoniam alii, dum Gallorum ope, alii Hispanorum, aduersarios suos oppugnant, omnes externum iugum subiere. Atque haec seruitus, quanquam Rhacusanorum animos infregit, attamen, quantum de dignitate demsit, tantum opibus eorum adiecit. Etenim infirmitatis suae iam satis gnari, in omnibus publicis actionibus, metum inde consilio habentes, omisso amplificandae fortunae studio, sublimium animorum affectu, solis uectigalibus incumbere; unde et tributum Turcis commodius penderent, et suppeterent expensae ad urbis custodiam necessariae. Sed iam procul ab incepto tractus, eo, unde me Rhacusana ciuitas auocauerat, reuertar.

Note (foot) return to page* licitati Zr: licitati (luctati e marg.) M: lucrati Z1 : licitati sunt hostis caput g

Note (foot) return to page* pugnans KZ: pugnam M

Note (foot) return to page* quamquam (ex haudquaquam emend.) M: quamquam AK: haudquaquam Zg

Note (foot) return to page** praeda KZ: praedam M

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Note (foot) return to page* omne KZ: omnem M

Note (foot) return to page* capti K: capiti MZgr

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Note (foot) return to page* Amisiam (an Amissam incert.) M: Amisisam Z: Amysum K: Amissiam g

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Note (foot) return to page* dixit Z: infit K: disseruit g: duxit M

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Note (foot) return to page* inferente K: inferrente Z: inferrentem M

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Note (foot) return to page* se KZg: pro se M

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Note (foot) return to page* ostia (e hostia emend.) K: hostia M

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Note (foot) return to page* nulli KZg: nullo M

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Note (foot) return to page* possent Kg: posset M

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Note (foot) return to page135

Note (foot) return to page* transferrent KZ: transferret M

Note (foot) return to page** uinctus K: uinctum M

Note (foot) return to page*** nullo KZ: nulli M

Note (foot) return to page136

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Note (foot) return to page* congruunt KZg: congruit M

Note (foot) return to page** quidem suppleui: nec uestrae religionis... r

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Note (foot) return to page* tantum KZg: tanta M

Note (foot) return to page* destinato (e designato emend.) M: destinato Kg: designato A

Note (foot) return to page** in potestate (ex potestatem emend.) K: in potestatem MZ

Note (foot) return to page140

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Note (foot) return to page* habiturum Kg: atramento corrupt. M

Note (foot) return to page** Dalmatiae partis Kg: atramento corrupt. M

Note (foot) return to page144

Note (foot) return to page145

Note (foot) return to page* solent suppl. g1 : deest in MKZgr

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Note (foot) return to page147

Note (foot) return to page* alia KZg: alio MA:

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Note (foot) return to page** coortus (ex cohortus emend.) K: cohortus M

Note (foot) return to page*** aperti Kg: aperte M

Note (foot) return to page* collabefierent KZ1: collabifierent MZ: collabi uiderentur g

Note (foot) return to page150

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Note (foot) return to page* facto Kg: facta M

Note (foot) return to page* mercaturae KZg: mercatores M

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Note (foot) return to page** efferri KZ: efferi M

Note (foot) return to page* longo Kg: longe M

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Note (foot) return to page180

Note (foot) return to page* minoris g1: minori (e minorem emend.) M: minori AKZg

Note (foot) return to page* Gallus...concessit AKZZ1 gg1 r : forsan Gallo...concessit scribendum

Note (foot) return to page** ante suppl. Zg: paucis quam MK

Note (foot) return to page157

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Note (foot) return to page* impetu KZ: impetum M

Note (foot) return to page** fame suppl. KZg

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Note (foot) return to page* coaceruauerat Kg: coarceuauerat M

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Note (foot) return to page164

Note (foot) return to page* hosteque KZ: hostemque M

Note (foot) return to page* pugnant KZ: pugnat M

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Note (foot) return to page* icit Kg1: iecit MZg

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Note (foot) return to page169

Note (foot) return to page** ostium (e hostium emend.) MK

Note (foot) return to page*** ostium (e hostium emend.)K: hostium M

Note (foot) return to page* ostio (e hostio emend.) K: hostio M

Note (foot) return to page170

Note (foot) return to page* Peloponnesiacum (ex Peloponnensiacum emend.) K: Peloponnensiacum M: Pelloponesicum Z

Note (foot) return to page** ostium (e hostium emend.) K: hostium MA

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Note (foot) return to page* Libycum g: Lybicum MZ

Note (foot) return to page** simul quae K: simul quae (e simulque emend.) Z: simulque M

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Note (foot) return to page* sit g: fit MK

Note (foot) return to page** custodienda MKZ: custodiendo g: forsan custodiendae scribendum

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Note (foot) return to page* ostiis (e hostiis emend.) K: hostiis MA

Note (foot) return to page* sexingentos (e sexigentos emend.) K: sexigentos MZ

Note (foot) return to page** Drinonem (forsan e Drilonem emend.) K: Drilonem MZg

Note (foot) return to page182

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Note (foot) return to page* e Drilonem emend. M

Note (foot) return to page** Drilonem Zg: Dirilonem AK: ex emend. haud satis certum est an Dirlonem aut Dirilonem hic et in aliis locis scribere uoluerit auctor M:

Note (foot) return to page* ostiis (e hostiis emend.) K: hostiis MA

Note (foot) return to page** Lygnistri K: Lignisti Z: Lignistrique A: corr. illegibilis in M

Note (foot) return to page184

Note (foot) return to page* Hungarum Z: Hungarum (e Hungarorum emend.) K: Hungarorum M

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Note (foot) return to page187

Note (foot) return to page* Gallos suppl. g: deest in MKZr

Note (foot) return to page188

Note (foot) return to page* millia (e marg.) suppl. K

Note (foot) return to page* quo KZ: quum M

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Note (foot) return to page* cupidinem KZ: cupidine M

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Note (foot) return to page193

Note (foot) return to page* quidem suppl. r

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Note (foot) return to page* Ostiam (e Hostiam emend.) K: Hostiam MA

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Note (foot) return to page* quum primum KZ: quum (exp. primis) M

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Note (foot) return to page* Lesinam Zg: Lesinem MK

Note (foot) return to page* proximo KZg: proxime M

Note (foot) return to page203

Note (foot) return to page* quidem suppleui

Note (foot) return to page204

Note (foot) return to page* pacis Z: paci M

Note (foot) return to page* instructae g1: instructas MKZg

Note (foot) return to page** ostium (e hostium emend.) K: hostium MAg

Note (foot) return to page*** ostio (e hostio emend.) K: hostio MAg

Note (foot) return to page205

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Note (foot) return to page * ritus K: ratus MZg: deest in g1

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Note (foot) return to page* Selynis Kg: Selyni MZ

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Note (foot) return to page213

Note (foot) return to page* ostia (e hostia emend.) K: hostia MAg

Note (foot) return to page* iubet Zr: iubent MKg

Note (foot) return to page** abesset K: abesse MZ

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Note (foot) return to page* caeteri KZgr: caeteris M

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Note (foot) return to page** grauibus KZ: grauis MA

Note (foot) return to page* incumbat MKZ: incumbatur g: imponi g1

Note (foot) return to page** altera (sc. improuida affectione) MKZ: altero g

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Note (foot) return to page*** felicitatis KZg: facilitatis M

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Note (foot) return to page* ut rebatur Kgr: ut uerebatur Z: uterebatur MA

Note (foot) return to page** transituram Zg: transiturum MK

Note (foot) return to page*** regione ... commodiore Kr: regionem ... commodiorem Zg1: regionem ... commodiore Mg

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Note (foot) return to page* subdeficienti (e subdeficiens emend.) K: subdeficiens MZgr

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Note (foot) return to page* quidem suppleui

Note (foot) return to page** abrupisset Kg: abrumpisset MZ

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Note (foot) return to page* summam KZg: summum M

Note (foot) return to page* Constantinopolim Kg: Constantinopoli MZ

Note (foot) return to page** ut KZg: quum M

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Note (foot) return to page* ei suppl. g1: ei attribuere r

Note (foot) return to page** onerariis (e honerariis emend.) K: honerariis M

Note (foot) return to page* et KZ: ex M

Note (foot) return to page** gloria Z: gloriae M

Note (foot) return to page* pontificatus K: pontificat. Z: pontificatum M: pontificium g

Note (foot) return to page* quidem suppleui

Note (foot) return to page** quidem suppleui

Note (foot) return to page* sceleris Z: sceleri M

Note (foot) return to page** defuturam Zgr: defutura MK

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Note (foot) return to page* Saleresium Kg: Galeresium (e Saleresium emend.) M: Galleresium Z

Note (foot) return to page** ad arma conuolasse suppl. g1: deest in mss.

Note (foot) return to page* deligeret g1: deligerent MKZg

Note (foot) return to page* intermixtis Zg: intermistis MK

Note (foot) return to page* Hungarica KZ: Hungaria M

Note (foot) return to page241

Note (foot) return to page* decreturus KZ: detecturus g: ex emend. incertum detecturus an decreturus legendum M: utraque lectio in A

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Note (foot) return to page* exanimat KZg: examinat M

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Note (foot) return to page* iniuriam KZg: iniuria M

Note (foot) return to page* desideraturam (e desideraturum emend.) K: desideraturum Z: desideratarum M

Note (foot) return to page** Moeotis (e Moeotidis emend.) M: Moeotis KA: Metidis Z

Note (foot) return to page254

Note (foot) return to page* multi Z: multis M

Note (foot) return to page** quidem suppl. g: exp. quidem M: deest in KZ

Note (foot) return to page*** referretur KZ: referreretur M

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Note (foot) return to page* exanimatus KZg: examinatus M

Note (foot) return to page** maximo KZg: maxime M

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Note (foot) return to page* fugiebat suppl. gr: deest in mss.

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Note (foot) return to page* munitam Z: munita M

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Note (foot) return to page* rapere KZ: rapuere M

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Note (foot) return to page* secubare MKZ (nota dubitationis in margine K): secum cubare g

Note (foot) return to page** hesternum g: externum MKZ

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Note (foot) return to page* parcentes KZg: parcente M

Note (foot) return to page** exseuiret (ex exeuiret emend.) K: exęuiret Z: exeuiret M

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Note (foot) return to page* imperii Kg: imperii (ex imperiis emend.) Z: imperio M

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Note (foot) return to page* itaque Kgr: ita que MZ

Note (foot) return to page* nempe (post enim scriptum) M: nempe Kg: enim Zg 1r

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Note (foot) return to page* conuenienti MZ: conueniente K

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Note (foot) return to page** legatione KZ: legationem M

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Note (foot) return to page* arbitrabatur...credebat K: arbitrabantur...credebant Z: arbitrabatur...credebant M

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Note (foot) return to page* tuerentur Kg: tueretur MZ

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Note (foot) return to page** quemquam KZg: quemque M

Note (foot) return to page* hortarentur...admonerentque g: hortaretur ...admoneretque Z: hortaretur...admonerentque MA

Note (foot) return to page* quidem suppleui

Note (foot) return to page** oppido KZgr: oppidi (forsan loc.) MA

Note (foot) return to page* quidem suppleui: nec r

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Note (foot) return to page* uocent M: uocant KZ

Note (foot) return to page* nulli Z: nullae M

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Note (foot) return to page* corporis Zg: corporibus M

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Note (foot) return to page* τέλος Α: τελος Μ: deest in KZ

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Crijević Tuberon, Ludovik (1458-1527) [1522], Commentarii de temporibus suis, versio electronica (), Verborum 118743; librorum 11, capitum 165, Ed. Vladimir Rezar [genre: prosa oratio - historia] [word count] [tuberocomm].
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